Sunday, July 31, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DX Headquaters

Parent Picture:

Funny, eh?

Blogvertise please!

Wrong term, but now that we have a lot of new members in the real world, I think we've gotta introduce them to the blog too. Siddharth & Sanchit and Uma have been quite regular among the juniors (UT-Losers!) and I've recognized several enthusiastic youngsters in the school, who can join in and serve the clan and the blog well. Siddharth, could you get your fellow DX classmates to join in too? Same applies to all the other members (not just juniors), to get the newcomers to get the blogging concept.

Saturday, July 30, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Norton 2029

Norton 2005 products(Antivirus , Firewall , Internet Security etc) users , listen to me carefully .
Normally the period for which you get free updates for these programmes is one year . But today only , I got hold of a patch which would make the programme get free updates uptil the year 2029 . Yes its true ! No joke .
And this patch is actually working (I have used it on my computer).
If you want this patch you can send me a mail and I will reply with the required file .My E-mail id can be found on my profile .

Coupla Changes..

As you might have noticed, we've implemented a couple of changes on the blog, and I'll go on furthur only if everyone approves of the changes. Everyone is free to comment on the new stuff out here.

Friday, July 29, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Windows Vista (Longhorn)

Windows Vista is Microsoft's next version of its Windows operating system, designed to follow Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. It was previously known by the codename Longhorn (for a full list, see Microsoft codenames); the name "Vista" was unveiled on July 22, 2005.

Doubt about those 6 something minutes

Hey , I dont know why but somewhere in my heart there lies a doubt about the kids completing those 4 laps in a mere 6 something minutes

I dont want to hurt someone nor I have intentions to say that some other game has been played . But 6 minutes is next to impossible .I think something is wrong . Some "Cheat Codes" might been used in this game which are easily available on sites like , etc .

I am confused . You all please help me and do comment clearing my doubts .

And yes very frankly saying , if there was NFS Underground instead of the NFS 3 we played , I would have definitely used the cheat codes .Nobody was keeping a watch yaar . But I was unlucky that way .

4 days of FragFest...

I must say that 4.. actually 5 days of Chip lab left me with the impression that Chip lab's comps have definately improved! Nothing more than occasional network failures, and 2-3 comps stubbornly refusing to boot. No seriously! Its lasted our event perfectly.

Anyhow, we're woefully out of schedule, spilling over into the regular periods right from day 1. We have displayed that its not possible to conduct things of FragFest size in only 0 periods and lunch breaks. It would be possible, if there was some way of making the kids understand that by crowding outside the lab, and making my throat hoarse from all that crowd-controlling, they won't get in. Somehow, nobody seemed to understand that we would call them when their chance came. Of course, our fault lay too.. lack of transparency. We must appoint a permanent PR dept. for DynamiX. I'm serious about this! And I'm very serious about not being in any PR job. :-&

But despite a slight crowd trouble, I must confess the event was quite a success! We managed to get all the action stuff wrapped up, and the best gamers in the action field selected. The best action gamer was: (surprise! surprise!) Kislay Pandey of Class 7C! Seriously, he played great! Its definately not that we don't have any strong UT gamers in the senior school. No way! Awesome gamers like Som & Kunal were almost looking like equals to him. I played the last 2 minutes of the finals too somehow.. and I think we have a true action gamer in hand. :-)

And we have about 50 students left in racing. And we are yet to have our strategy prelims. :-/ C'mon! Just 2 hours and the strategy prelims and finals are done! Looks like we will finish it on monday. If you guys can do it tomorrow.. awesome. But you'd have to do it without me, 'coz I'm taking a long-awaited chutti. The situation in strategy is that we have the game in nearly half the systems, and we have to disable the firewall/permit the game on all those systems. I & a couple of others were doing that when we were stupidly shoved out of the lab, so only a couple of systems have the firewall disabled. You'll have to do that tomorrow. Roshan & Som know the password, and can do the entire thing. Sanchit is required to assist them. I seriously think that if we're not doing any event tomorrow, we should fix up the firewalls. They've caused more trouble than they're worth.

As such, my opinion of the students of the school, there are awesome guys & kids out there! We just need to find them, and we've found a way to locate the best, hold intra-school events of this scale.

BTW, just as a side-note, the seemingly unbreakable record set by our own Rahul Rajan in racing (7:19.10) was beaten by two kids of 6A & 6B. :-) He's now at third position, with the best score being of a 6th guy (6:44.something). That proves my point. We can locate people this way.

Monday, July 25, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Tons of changes in the new DX Website

Many ("tons") of changes have been made in the new D Site here and there, there and here. Check out the website.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Confusion about Tech-Ed

Hey ! Its enough now .
Long time has passed since we first thought of starting a magazine of our own but this idea has still not come into effect .
Initiate yaar . What are you waiting for ?
Or tell me if I am at fault .Do you already have some plans ?
If yes then someone tell me what are the final plans about our much awaited magazine Tech Ed .Do focus upon the following points

-Resources(most important)
-First Issue(Gimme the exact date)
-Person responsible for its management
-Multicolour or Black and White

I mean i want every minute detail about the magazine .
And yes one more thing . In the list of speakers of this blog , my name has been misspellt . It has been written there as "Siddharth Razdab" whereas it is "Siddharth Razdan".Please correct it . I shall be grateful to him/her.

FragFest is here!

Hurray! Its finally here! The much awaited FragFest 2k5 will be from 25th to 29th July, 2005.

Duties have been allotted to our brand new recruits to promote FragFest and register students for it. Today's meeting was purely for that purpose. Registration and promotion starts from tomorrow.

The students select three types of games, Action, Strategy & Racing. Each one plays against the others in that type of game. The first round shall be conducted with the players grouped class-wise, to prevent large-scale disturbances in the teachers' timetable. Next, the top few students from each batch proceed to Round 2. In round 2, from each batch of each type, we select only the top 1 or 2 students, and pit them all against each other in their categories in Round 3. From there we select the top from each type. The game type that has the maximum participation, shall have 2 students selected from Round 3. The other two types shall contribute only 1 student each. The four students are the finalists, who shall fight the QuadrAthlon, which comprises of 4 games of different types, and all play all the 4 games, and then the points of each player in all the 4 games are clubbed together to give us the ultimate winner.

Rounds 1, 2 & 3 shall be conducted purely in the 0 periods and the lunch breaks. Round 4, the QuadrAthlon, shall be anytime in the final days. Since there are only 4 students, there will not be much of a teachers' rebellion.

All the students who are promoting, registering, and organizing, shall recieve their copy of the FragFest poster, which they can keep or share with their friends. Posters shall be stuck everywhere around the school, and we will have speakers in the assemblies and class-to-class convessing. If anybody can think of other means of promotion, please comment. Any questions and comments are welcome. Oh Boy! Its here finally!

Monday, July 18, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Another meeting day...

Venue: Intel/DynamiX lab
Date: July 19, 2005 (tomorrow)
Time: Zero period
- Shashank Shekhar
- Roshan Shariff
- Ayush Gupta
- Somsubhro
- M. Harsha
- Ankit Madan
- Ankit Bhalla
- Aman Chauhan
- Rahul Seth
- Benjamin Cherian
- Sanchit Gulati
- Uma Damle
- Rachit Taneja

We will discuss briefly the final structure that has been decided by some of us at school today. We can give FF only about 20 mins tomorrow. We have to discuss DynamiX event before Wednesday's meeting, where we'll have attendance from all the students. And obviously we cannot reveal the plan to anybody and everybody. Please make sure you attend, and as some of the 12thies have been taking the yellow slip and going home early, please do so after 0 period.

My opinion

I agree to what som said about Stratagy.
1. Then we can have either Quake III or Unreal 03/04 in 1st round as action .
2. In the Second round we can have the Underground I (having the longest track with 10 laps ) .
3. In the Third round we can have any of the other Sports game or we can even have Counter Strike in this round .
4. And in the Grand Final round we can have the Stratagy game:AOM .

The ideal should be that as we go higher in the LEVELS the level of the opponents is definately incresing but the level of the game should also be increased. As we can't have an easy game in one of the finals or the semi finals.

But first we need to get the no. of students as then only we can workout in any of the grouping/ Levels (Suppose 500 people didn't came or more people came, we can't have distribution right now).

I hope u understand. Comment on it .

Sunday, July 17, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

devil's advocate

i wholeheartedly agree with som's mail.
strategy isn't all that bad even if most of you are biased against it.
i think we should include strategy(aom)in the comp especially for the sake of the younger batches.i remember in the golden days when i used to play games i was awful at action and racing games while i was quite good at the strategy ones.
this isn't exactly a comp for hardcore gamers.its an intra school comp where even average kids will be allowed to take part.

frag fest,Final plan

DAY 1&2 : 29th 30th JULY
(5th – 8th)(9th-12th) Classes
Venus: Chip-lab.
25 persons per batch.
Total 20 batches.
Game: Quake 3 (arena).
Time Period: 15-20 minutes.
Periods used : “2” to “4” period and “5” to “8”
Cannot include Zero period as many will have there house works
Contestants: 80 gamers.
Venus: Chip-lab
4 batches of 20 gamers.
Top 4 from each batch.
Time periods: 30 mins.
Game: Unreal tournament 2003 demo

DAY 4:2nd August
Contestants: 16 gamers.
Venus: intel-lab
If any game is found which supports 16 racers at one or 2 batches of 8 playing Need for speed Underground(1).
Top 2 from each batch.
Time periods: Longest lap with 16 laps

DAY 5:3th August
Contestants: 4 or 5gamers.
Venus: intel-lab
Time periods: 3 hours.
Game: Halo

Trophy to Grand Winner
Can Dynamix member take part in it.

Will we go to every class and write
names of interested gamers, or will they run after us.

For changes plz mail me at

Saturday, July 16, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Google cookie?


Meeting erm.. report?

Well.. this is kind of a report for those who weren't able to attend today's meeting. I was a bit short-sighted in forgetting the weekend guys. Sorry, but you missed one of the mostly successful meetings. We had to cut short our agenda due to the lack of attendance (the weekend guys were not present), so Me, Roshan, Ankur, Rachit, Rahul Rajan, Ayush, Sanchit, Uma, Benjamin & Ankit Bhalla worked on the second item namely: FragFest. Its become nearly a joke.. we've been talking about it for soo long, so I've given it up to the 10thies.. and the star of today's show was Sanchit (aka The Great GAMER), and he proposed his event plan (was forced to bring it out.. he was rather shy of everyone suddenly ;-D ) and we decided on these points:
  • Date of event: 1-5th August. I'm now opposed to this.. as a big team of our core committee will be going to St. Columbas on 4th, 5th & 6th. Lets shift it to 30 July - 3rd August. 5 days as before. Please?!
  • We keep it open from class V to XII. Anyone & Everyone can participate from those classes
  • If we keep a rough estimate of 500 students/participants overall, then we break the event into 4 rounds. The knockouts/eliminations (round 1 & 2) shall be conducted solely in the Chip Lab. The first round shall have 20 batches of 25 students each
  • First 10 batches of round 1 play on the first day. Game: for now.. Quake 3 Arena.
  • Next 10 batches of round 1 play on the second day. Game: for now.. Quake 3 Arena.
  • Round 1 shall be having each batch playing for 20 minutes.. and top 4 scorers from each round go onto the next.. round 2.
  • Round 2 is having now 80 students (= 20 x 4) and they play in 4 batches of 20 students each. Game: for now.. Unreal Tournament 2003/2004. This happens on either day 2 or day 3. Top 4 from each go to round 3.. aka Semi Finals (think of some better name!)
  • Round 3.. on day 3 or day 4, will have 16 students. Here there was a lot of debate, whether to have a racing game and hence break these into 2 batches of 8 students each, and choose the top 2 of each for the finals, or to put them in yet another action game like Soldier of Fortune II.. or Battlefield 1942 or something. But I think we should have a variety of games in our event. There was a proposal for Counter Stike and the top 5 or top 4 would be selected not by which team (Terrorists/Anti-Terrorists) wins, but by which participants get the highest points. But then some might hide behind their stronger teamies and score some extra easy points. So I think this idea was shot down completely. Time allotted for round 3: 3 hours. So a batch will play continuous for something like 40/45 minutes or something.. and the rest is for organizational work.
  • Now either 4 or 5 students make it to round 4.. i.e the Grand Finals. Now, this is played on the new top-of-the-line PCs of the Intel/DynamiX lab, and the game here quite unamimously decided upon was Halo. Halo II is not out for PC yet. Now if we have 4 players, then one of the organizers become a supernatural player.. not God mode, but something like invisible "It" or something and be the monster lurking in the shadows of the ring world.
  • The final round should be played for continuous 2 hours. True hardcore gamers play for 13-15-17 hours (maybe more) continuously, and 2 hours is peanuts. But since we're not hardcores, this should be good enuf. Gaming is about stamina too.. I know how *near-to-death* experience it is after playing something like UT, Quake or harder games for hours together.
So this is about today's meeting. On Tuesday's 0 peried we have another meeting.. and this time I hope we have good attendance from the 12thies. 'coz in tuesday's meet we plan the DynamiX event. Please don't miss it. I'm warning you 3 days in advance.. and fix it with your teachers not to give you any work then. Tell them its DynamiX meeting, and we're not bound by the rules that other school-clubs have.. of only Wednesday meetings. We can't get work done meeting just once a week. We're not a school club.

Friday, July 15, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Kebab Mai Haddi

Pallavi mam said that she already have taken tanmay's name for gaming.And i have to go i have to talk to him.if i wanted to go.
I request you talk to tanmay and make me go.
I really want to kick some a**!

Thursday, July 14, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX meeting

Venue: Intel/DynamiX Lab
Date: July 16th, 2005 (tomorrow)
Time: 0 Period
Members who are to attend the meeting:
- Shashank Shekhar
- Roshan Shariff
- Ayush Gupta
- Somsubhro
- M. Harsha
- Ankit Madan
- Ankit Bhalla
- Aman Chauhan
- Rahul Seth
- Benjamin Cherian
- Sanchit Gulati
- Uma Damle
- Animesh Mishra

It is everyone's duty to inform the others who might not read the blog. The meeting is to consolidate ideas and finalize the DynamiX event details, and hence start work. We have it next month, and we do not have too much time on hand. It will also feature Sanchit Gulati talking about his plan for FragFest. I've left it to the 10th class (UT-losers!) to plan out the event.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Tagore Participation

As of now, Sanchit Gulati of class X is going for gaming. We have recd. no futhur entries. I think I will put up a notice on the boards for people who wish to go for Flash.. as I vaguely remember that someone from IXth does know Flash. I'll put the entire thing except senior gaming. I'll put up Junior Gaming.

Som, sorry but you need to give the newer guys a chance. I was going to send you & Sanchit till I found out that only one student from VI - XII wud be sent. Seriously, I wonder how they think that pitting sub-juniors against seniors will be a fair event. Even in FF we won't be doing that. But since its the case, I decided that we shall send Sanchit so that he gets some match practise.. and hopefully some shiny prizes for Princi's room. ;-)

Sanchit, I think I can get you some practise time in the Intel/Chip labs and if I can manage it.. Som, could you help him out in his tactics and moves? We must set a trend of getting the students prepared before the event in not just gaming.. but other events too. Sanchit, go kick some a**! Som, I hope you understand me. I promise to send you in the next event.

Tagore School



I. TOON@TRIX (CLASS I & II) - cartoon making

(1 team per school - 2 students per team)

Description: The participants would be asked to draw a cartoon using Microsoft® Paint
Software To Be Used: Microsoft® Paint
Topic : To be given on the spot
Duration : 90 minutes
Note : Use of floppies, CDs, Internet will not be permitted

II. PRESENT@TRIX (CLASS III–V) - PowerPoint Presentation
(1 team per school - 2 students per team)

Description: The participants will have to showcase their presentations and answer questions related to their presentation.
Software To Be Used: Microsoft® PowerPoint ( presentation to be brought on a CD)
Topic : Public Awareness
Duration Of The Presentation: 5 minutes (inclusive of presentation and speech) followed by
2 minutes for interjection.
Note : Marks will be deducted for exceeding the time limit. The presentation should be original
and can comprise of text, graphics, animation and sound. The source of information must be acknowledged.

III. ANIM@TRIX (CLASS VI – IX) – Animation Making

(1 team per school - 2 students per team)

Description: The participants would be asked to make an animation using Macromedia® Flash MX.
Software To Be Used: Macromedia ® Flash MX
Topic : To be given on the spot
Duration : 2 hours
Note: Use of floppies/CDs/ other storage devices will not be permitted. Presentation should not exceed 3 minutes.
IV. MOVIE@TRIX (CLASS X – XII) - Movie Making

(1 team per school - 4 students per team)

Description: The selected movies made by the participants would be showcased in front of the
Software To Be Used: iMovie, Adobe Premiere or Windows Movie Maker
Topic: Public Awareness
Duration: 4 – 5 minutes (the movie should not exceed the time given)
Note: Please carry a copy of your movie on a CD on the final day. No changes can be made after the movie has been submitted. If there is any disparity between the 2 copies the team will be disqualified.
Entries will not be accepted after 18th of July.

V. N-GAGE@TRIX - Gaming

(1 team per school - 1 student per team)
I. Group 1: Class I to V
II. Group 2: Class VI to XII

Duration : 90 minutes
Note: Use of cheat codes will result in immediate disqualification. The game to be played will be announced on the spot.


Participants of different competitions would be receiving awards and certificates for their performance. All participants are requested to be present for the valedictory function.


ARE they will make us to play on the ngage
PLZ Reply

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX notes

Its from Slashdot.. an interesting piece.
One of the comments:
Old Lady #1: When my ex-husband passed away, the insurance company
said his policy didn't cover him. Old Lady #2: They didn't have enough
money for the funeral. Old Lady #3: It's so hard nowadays, with all
the gangs and rap music.. Old Lady #1: What about the robots? Old Lady
#4: Oh, they're everywhere! Old Lady #1: I don't even know why the
scientists make them. Old Lady #2: Darren and I have a policy with Old
Glory Insurance, in case we're attacked by robots. Old Lady #1: An
insurance policy with a robot plan? Certainly, I'm too old. Old Lady
#2: Old Glory covers anyone over the age of 50 against robot attack,
regardless of current health. [ cut to Sam Waterston, Compensated
Endorser ] Sam Waterson: I'm Sam Waterston, of the popular TV series
"Law & Order". As a senior citizen, you're probably aware of the
threat robots pose. Robots are everywhere, and they eat old people's
medicine for fuel. Well, now there's a company that offers coverage
against the unfortunate event of robot attack, with Old Glory
Insurance. Old Glory will cover you with no health check-up or age
consideration. [ SUPER: Limitied Benefits First Two Years ] You need
to feel safe. And that's harder and harder to do nowadays, because
robots may strike at any time. [ show pie chart reading "Cause of
Death in Persons Over 50 Years of Age": Heart Disease, 42% - Robots,
58% ] And when they grab you with those metal claws, you can't break
free.. because they're made of metal, and robots are strong. Now, for
only $4 a month, you can achieve peace of mind in a world full of
grime and robots, with Old Glory Insurance. So, don't cower under your
afghan any longer. Make a choice. [ SUPER: "WARNING: Persons denying
the existence of Robots may be Robots themselves. ] Old Glory
Insurance. For when the metal ones decide to come for you - and they

Are you a robot? ;-)
PS: If you want to watch the video version:

Monday, July 11, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Wall Board

I suggest that we place a half-sized notice board on the big wall facing us in the staircase above Intel Lab. I hope you all understand which one I'm talking abt. We climb up the first half of the stairs from the Intel Lab, and we face a big wall, and then behind us we have another stair that takes us to the Math Lab. That wall.. I suggest we place a half notice board, and use it like a Wall Magazine updated fortnightly (2 weeks), and also allow any other club to use it as they please. We'll reserve some part.. and the rest is for the clubs. I have a design ready for the TechEd Wall Edition with me. I'll add some content on my own.. and you guys throw it around to find loopholes. I'll post it tomorrow. We'll also put a copy of the TechEd Wall Edition on one of the boards in front of the Library.

Drink. And Rock!

[Source: The DynamiX Clan Picture Gallery]

Sunday, July 10, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Picture Gallery. Up and running.

The Ramjas School Picture Gallery can be visited here.

I have added many pictures. More will be added by Pandey Sir and Rahul Seth.

Friday, July 08, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Adobe Illustrator CS

come all ye E-Picassoes
rejoice for the new Adobe Illustrator CS hath arrived(its been some time)
This beauty with its unblievable depths would make even the most seasoned,confident
graphic lovers metaphorise into drooling,confused drones.
for more info view

Thursday, July 07, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Mission Accomplished.

Ah...The new layout of Ramjas Website is finally up and running. I uploaded it a few minutes ago. I hope this is better than the one which was there before.

Click here to visit the website.


Monday, July 04, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Ordinatrix 2005 - Tagore Int'l School, Vasant Vihar

6th July 2005: Last date for confirmation of participation.
18th July 2005: Last date for submission of movie CDs for selection in the final round.

27th July 2005: Final round of all events.
Classes 1 and 2: Cartoon Making
Classes 3 to 5: PowerPoint Presentation
Classes 6 to 9: Flash Animation
Classes 10 to 12: Movie Show

28th July 2005:
Classes 1 to 5: Gaming (Group 1)
Classes 6 to 12: Gaming (Group 2)


Hmmm...surprisingly they haven't included Web-D.