Wednesday, July 20, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Confusion about Tech-Ed

Hey ! Its enough now .
Long time has passed since we first thought of starting a magazine of our own but this idea has still not come into effect .
Initiate yaar . What are you waiting for ?
Or tell me if I am at fault .Do you already have some plans ?
If yes then someone tell me what are the final plans about our much awaited magazine Tech Ed .Do focus upon the following points

-Resources(most important)
-First Issue(Gimme the exact date)
-Person responsible for its management
-Multicolour or Black and White

I mean i want every minute detail about the magazine .
And yes one more thing . In the list of speakers of this blog , my name has been misspellt . It has been written there as "Siddharth Razdab" whereas it is "Siddharth Razdan".Please correct it . I shall be grateful to him/her.


At 7:53 AM, July 20, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Heh! You remind me of me, "I want every minute detail about the magazine". The aggressive style. :-) No probs.

Anyway, welcome to the blog.

And, Tech-Ed has got a little problematic. You are right in saying that we're confused. We were thinking of launching our newsletter for classes 10-12. Which would work out to a cost of roughly 3000. If we can consolidate our ideas and plans, we can talk to the school about sponsoring our first edition. But what then? Do we do the subscriber model? If we do, then I'm sure that our subscriber base shall be very small. Yet printing it every month is a costly foray. If anyone has any ideas, please comment.

I haven't given up TechEd.

At 12:31 PM, July 21, 2005, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

The major and crucial points of the TechEd Journal are being under consideration and being worked upon overtime by our 3 clan members. Thank you for reminding us those, ah, focus-able and already-known points, which are quite obvious for a Tech Journal. In case you are looking for more information regarding our developments on this issue, either contact Ayush Gupta or Uma Damle, or talk to us in the next meeting.
1) Regarding the Person responsible for the Journal's management; there will be a yet-to-be-selected Editorial Board comprising of students, no teachers.
2) Tech Ed is multicolor, ofcourse.
3) Periodicity of the Journal is monthly.
4) Major resources and the contributers are the school students who will be submitting the articles. A few Tech Articles from some Tech Mags will also be included (maximum 1 or 2).
5) I am not very sure about the number of pages. Maybe 4 (I may be mistaken).


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