Meeting erm.. report?

Well.. this is kind of a report for those who weren't able to attend today's meeting. I was a bit short-sighted in forgetting the weekend guys. Sorry, but you missed one of the mostly successful meetings. We had to cut short our agenda due to the lack of attendance (the weekend guys were not present), so Me, Roshan, Ankur, Rachit, Rahul Rajan, Ayush, Sanchit, Uma, Benjamin & Ankit Bhalla worked on the second item namely: FragFest. Its become nearly a joke.. we've been talking about it for soo long, so I've given it up to the 10thies.. and the star of today's show was Sanchit (aka The Great GAMER), and he proposed his event plan (was forced to bring it out.. he was rather shy of everyone suddenly ;-D ) and we decided on these points:
- Date of event: 1-5th August. I'm now opposed to this.. as a big team of our core committee will be going to St. Columbas on 4th, 5th & 6th. Lets shift it to 30 July - 3rd August. 5 days as before. Please?!
- We keep it open from class V to XII. Anyone & Everyone can participate from those classes
- If we keep a rough estimate of 500 students/participants overall, then we break the event into 4 rounds. The knockouts/eliminations (round 1 & 2) shall be conducted solely in the Chip Lab. The first round shall have 20 batches of 25 students each
- First 10 batches of round 1 play on the first day. Game: for now.. Quake 3 Arena.
- Next 10 batches of round 1 play on the second day. Game: for now.. Quake 3 Arena.
- Round 1 shall be having each batch playing for 20 minutes.. and top 4 scorers from each round go onto the next.. round 2.
- Round 2 is having now 80 students (= 20 x 4) and they play in 4 batches of 20 students each. Game: for now.. Unreal Tournament 2003/2004. This happens on either day 2 or day 3. Top 4 from each go to round 3.. aka Semi Finals (think of some better name!)
- Round 3.. on day 3 or day 4, will have 16 students. Here there was a lot of debate, whether to have a racing game and hence break these into 2 batches of 8 students each, and choose the top 2 of each for the finals, or to put them in yet another action game like Soldier of Fortune II.. or Battlefield 1942 or something. But I think we should have a variety of games in our event. There was a proposal for Counter Stike and the top 5 or top 4 would be selected not by which team (Terrorists/Anti-Terrorists) wins, but by which participants get the highest points. But then some might hide behind their stronger teamies and score some extra easy points. So I think this idea was shot down completely. Time allotted for round 3: 3 hours. So a batch will play continuous for something like 40/45 minutes or something.. and the rest is for organizational work.
- Now either 4 or 5 students make it to round 4.. i.e the Grand Finals. Now, this is played on the new top-of-the-line PCs of the Intel/DynamiX lab, and the game here quite unamimously decided upon was Halo. Halo II is not out for PC yet. Now if we have 4 players, then one of the organizers become a supernatural player.. not God mode, but something like invisible "It" or something and be the monster lurking in the shadows of the ring world.
- The final round should be played for continuous 2 hours. True hardcore gamers play for 13-15-17 hours (maybe more) continuously, and 2 hours is peanuts. But since we're not hardcores, this should be good enuf. Gaming is about stamina too.. I know how *near-to-death* experience it is after playing something like UT, Quake or harder games for hours together.
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