Monday, July 11, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Wall Board

I suggest that we place a half-sized notice board on the big wall facing us in the staircase above Intel Lab. I hope you all understand which one I'm talking abt. We climb up the first half of the stairs from the Intel Lab, and we face a big wall, and then behind us we have another stair that takes us to the Math Lab. That wall.. I suggest we place a half notice board, and use it like a Wall Magazine updated fortnightly (2 weeks), and also allow any other club to use it as they please. We'll reserve some part.. and the rest is for the clubs. I have a design ready for the TechEd Wall Edition with me. I'll add some content on my own.. and you guys throw it around to find loopholes. I'll post it tomorrow. We'll also put a copy of the TechEd Wall Edition on one of the boards in front of the Library.


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