Wednesday, July 13, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Tagore School



I. TOON@TRIX (CLASS I & II) - cartoon making

(1 team per school - 2 students per team)

Description: The participants would be asked to draw a cartoon using Microsoft® Paint
Software To Be Used: Microsoft® Paint
Topic : To be given on the spot
Duration : 90 minutes
Note : Use of floppies, CDs, Internet will not be permitted

II. PRESENT@TRIX (CLASS III–V) - PowerPoint Presentation
(1 team per school - 2 students per team)

Description: The participants will have to showcase their presentations and answer questions related to their presentation.
Software To Be Used: Microsoft® PowerPoint ( presentation to be brought on a CD)
Topic : Public Awareness
Duration Of The Presentation: 5 minutes (inclusive of presentation and speech) followed by
2 minutes for interjection.
Note : Marks will be deducted for exceeding the time limit. The presentation should be original
and can comprise of text, graphics, animation and sound. The source of information must be acknowledged.

III. ANIM@TRIX (CLASS VI – IX) – Animation Making

(1 team per school - 2 students per team)

Description: The participants would be asked to make an animation using Macromedia® Flash MX.
Software To Be Used: Macromedia ® Flash MX
Topic : To be given on the spot
Duration : 2 hours
Note: Use of floppies/CDs/ other storage devices will not be permitted. Presentation should not exceed 3 minutes.
IV. MOVIE@TRIX (CLASS X – XII) - Movie Making

(1 team per school - 4 students per team)

Description: The selected movies made by the participants would be showcased in front of the
Software To Be Used: iMovie, Adobe Premiere or Windows Movie Maker
Topic: Public Awareness
Duration: 4 – 5 minutes (the movie should not exceed the time given)
Note: Please carry a copy of your movie on a CD on the final day. No changes can be made after the movie has been submitted. If there is any disparity between the 2 copies the team will be disqualified.
Entries will not be accepted after 18th of July.

V. N-GAGE@TRIX - Gaming

(1 team per school - 1 student per team)
I. Group 1: Class I to V
II. Group 2: Class VI to XII

Duration : 90 minutes
Note: Use of cheat codes will result in immediate disqualification. The game to be played will be announced on the spot.


Participants of different competitions would be receiving awards and certificates for their performance. All participants are requested to be present for the valedictory function.


ARE they will make us to play on the ngage
PLZ Reply


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