Wednesday, July 20, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

FragFest is here!

Hurray! Its finally here! The much awaited FragFest 2k5 will be from 25th to 29th July, 2005.

Duties have been allotted to our brand new recruits to promote FragFest and register students for it. Today's meeting was purely for that purpose. Registration and promotion starts from tomorrow.

The students select three types of games, Action, Strategy & Racing. Each one plays against the others in that type of game. The first round shall be conducted with the players grouped class-wise, to prevent large-scale disturbances in the teachers' timetable. Next, the top few students from each batch proceed to Round 2. In round 2, from each batch of each type, we select only the top 1 or 2 students, and pit them all against each other in their categories in Round 3. From there we select the top from each type. The game type that has the maximum participation, shall have 2 students selected from Round 3. The other two types shall contribute only 1 student each. The four students are the finalists, who shall fight the QuadrAthlon, which comprises of 4 games of different types, and all play all the 4 games, and then the points of each player in all the 4 games are clubbed together to give us the ultimate winner.

Rounds 1, 2 & 3 shall be conducted purely in the 0 periods and the lunch breaks. Round 4, the QuadrAthlon, shall be anytime in the final days. Since there are only 4 students, there will not be much of a teachers' rebellion.

All the students who are promoting, registering, and organizing, shall recieve their copy of the FragFest poster, which they can keep or share with their friends. Posters shall be stuck everywhere around the school, and we will have speakers in the assemblies and class-to-class convessing. If anybody can think of other means of promotion, please comment. Any questions and comments are welcome. Oh Boy! Its here finally!


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