Sunday, July 17, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

devil's advocate

i wholeheartedly agree with som's mail.
strategy isn't all that bad even if most of you are biased against it.
i think we should include strategy(aom)in the comp especially for the sake of the younger batches.i remember in the golden days when i used to play games i was awful at action and racing games while i was quite good at the strategy ones.
this isn't exactly a comp for hardcore gamers.its an intra school comp where even average kids will be allowed to take part.


At 11:08 AM, July 17, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Though I'm still figuring out how strategy is being the Devil's Advocate.. or something else, I would like to say that whatever my behavior or speech reflects, I'm definately not biased against Strategy. Every gamer passes thru phases. Strategy is what I still remember upon as the good ol' game-type. The fact is that there are now no *mind-blowing* and *revolutionary* (in my standards) games in strategy.. because of which I've stopped playing strategy games. Action and MMORPG games are suddenly undergoing revolutionary development.. and seems to be pretty much interesting.

When you say that we're for the average kids.. you couldn't be more correct. But don't the average kids of our school lack the above average strategizing brain reqd for games like AOM? Therefore, I appeal to thee to not include Strategy, it must, before the final rounds. We do not want to scare away people. Its not just a talent search. Its to create an interest in computer-related activities in the school. And also to create an interest in DynamiX among the students. :-)


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