Monday, July 18, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

My opinion

I agree to what som said about Stratagy.
1. Then we can have either Quake III or Unreal 03/04 in 1st round as action .
2. In the Second round we can have the Underground I (having the longest track with 10 laps ) .
3. In the Third round we can have any of the other Sports game or we can even have Counter Strike in this round .
4. And in the Grand Final round we can have the Stratagy game:AOM .

The ideal should be that as we go higher in the LEVELS the level of the opponents is definately incresing but the level of the game should also be increased. As we can't have an easy game in one of the finals or the semi finals.

But first we need to get the no. of students as then only we can workout in any of the grouping/ Levels (Suppose 500 people didn't came or more people came, we can't have distribution right now).

I hope u understand. Comment on it .


At 9:58 AM, July 18, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Firstly.. you could have made this a comment to the existing posts. Why make another post? Anyhow..

Obviously you're talk about the first two rounds without considering that the first round is expected to have 500 people in 20 batches of 25 each. And second is of nearly 80 students. So your ideas, though welcome, seem a bit impractical.

All issues shall be sorted out in tomorrow's meeting. Don't miss it!


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