Sunday, July 31, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Blogvertise please!

Wrong term, but now that we have a lot of new members in the real world, I think we've gotta introduce them to the blog too. Siddharth & Sanchit and Uma have been quite regular among the juniors (UT-Losers!) and I've recognized several enthusiastic youngsters in the school, who can join in and serve the clan and the blog well. Siddharth, could you get your fellow DX classmates to join in too? Same applies to all the other members (not just juniors), to get the newcomers to get the blogging concept.


At 11:13 PM, August 03, 2005, Blogger Siddharth Razdan said...

Well Shashank , out of 6 students of my class who are members of the Dynamix club 2 have never attended even a single meeting of the club ( they go for basketball coaching ) , one is me myself and the rest three do not have internet connection . Tell me what should i do ?

At 6:13 AM, August 04, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Considering that we ourselves have had only 2 serious meetings (FragFest cancelled 2 meetings), so I still believe that we can win over some more serious members to the clan. Lots of people say that if they don't wanna come in, fine just stay out. I believe in reaching out and it might be that they're just ignorant about the clan. In your case, talk to the basketball guys, and tell them to attend meetings, and if they're not able to attend meetings, tell them to become virtual members by blogging. We can have 2 types of members, Real & Virtual. Heh. So once we all passout, we can still be virtual members. And the three that do not have net conn, do they have comps? If yes, ask them if they seriously never felt the need for net? Its got nothing to do with the blog, but the idea that people still do not have any form of net or comps is not right, and we're trying to fix it. There are several issues, monetary ones too, but we can always try. The pros of internet outweigh several cons.


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