Friday, July 29, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

4 days of FragFest...

I must say that 4.. actually 5 days of Chip lab left me with the impression that Chip lab's comps have definately improved! Nothing more than occasional network failures, and 2-3 comps stubbornly refusing to boot. No seriously! Its lasted our event perfectly.

Anyhow, we're woefully out of schedule, spilling over into the regular periods right from day 1. We have displayed that its not possible to conduct things of FragFest size in only 0 periods and lunch breaks. It would be possible, if there was some way of making the kids understand that by crowding outside the lab, and making my throat hoarse from all that crowd-controlling, they won't get in. Somehow, nobody seemed to understand that we would call them when their chance came. Of course, our fault lay too.. lack of transparency. We must appoint a permanent PR dept. for DynamiX. I'm serious about this! And I'm very serious about not being in any PR job. :-&

But despite a slight crowd trouble, I must confess the event was quite a success! We managed to get all the action stuff wrapped up, and the best gamers in the action field selected. The best action gamer was: (surprise! surprise!) Kislay Pandey of Class 7C! Seriously, he played great! Its definately not that we don't have any strong UT gamers in the senior school. No way! Awesome gamers like Som & Kunal were almost looking like equals to him. I played the last 2 minutes of the finals too somehow.. and I think we have a true action gamer in hand. :-)

And we have about 50 students left in racing. And we are yet to have our strategy prelims. :-/ C'mon! Just 2 hours and the strategy prelims and finals are done! Looks like we will finish it on monday. If you guys can do it tomorrow.. awesome. But you'd have to do it without me, 'coz I'm taking a long-awaited chutti. The situation in strategy is that we have the game in nearly half the systems, and we have to disable the firewall/permit the game on all those systems. I & a couple of others were doing that when we were stupidly shoved out of the lab, so only a couple of systems have the firewall disabled. You'll have to do that tomorrow. Roshan & Som know the password, and can do the entire thing. Sanchit is required to assist them. I seriously think that if we're not doing any event tomorrow, we should fix up the firewalls. They've caused more trouble than they're worth.

As such, my opinion of the students of the school, there are awesome guys & kids out there! We just need to find them, and we've found a way to locate the best, hold intra-school events of this scale.

BTW, just as a side-note, the seemingly unbreakable record set by our own Rahul Rajan in racing (7:19.10) was beaten by two kids of 6A & 6B. :-) He's now at third position, with the best score being of a 6th guy (6:44.something). That proves my point. We can locate people this way.


At 9:48 AM, July 29, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

wow nice job guys, Intra School Competition is best for selecting the best ones in ur school and Its good to see some young guys are doing fantastic job.

Keep it up.

btw can you guys record strategy game "age of empires series" and put it up on your site, I'd love to see em.

At 10:46 AM, July 29, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

That's a good idea. We'll surely do that for the final strategy round & the grand finals. BTW, besides the interesting pseudo, do I know you?

At 11:17 AM, July 29, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

Well, I dont know but maybe I participated in dynamix 2005 representing kendriya vidyalaya.

At 11:23 AM, July 29, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

oh one more thing,

I have been involved in strategy gaming in 2000, So my recommendation in aoe types of game would be

Game type: Death Match
• Map Type: Arabia
• Map Size: 2 players (Tiny)
• Difficulty: Moderate
• Game Speed: Fast
• Starting Age: Post Imperial Age
• Reveal Map: Explored
• Team Together: Enabled
• Lock Teams: Enabled
• Allow Cheats: Disabled
• All Techs: Disabled
• Time limit: 25 min play = 300 Years
• Record Game

these are if u want fast matches cuz I read and U really had problem with timings.

random matches are good if either a player is extremely good and finishes opponent fast or you have lotsa time in hand.

At 9:43 PM, July 29, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I think your ideas makes it easier for us, now that we can forget about planning the game settings. Strategy is about all that is left now, apart from mopping up the racing. Thanks again!

At 2:43 AM, July 30, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

aye your welcome mate, just dont put time limit in final strategy round & the grand finals. Verygood work by u guys. keep it up!!

At 3:50 AM, July 30, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Thanks. BTW Frankzz_sword, do you have a blog too? I mean for your school's computer group? If not, you should try to get them on to blogging too. Its a great way to keep the clan running.

At 5:16 AM, July 30, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

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At 5:31 AM, July 30, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

umm thanks for the piece of advise but My school isnt worth getting a blog, many doesnt have net even though I am opening up my personal site where I can have it, thanks will surely think use it.

oh btw u can call me varun or frankzz

At 8:21 AM, July 30, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

So we'd have said of our school a couple of years back. C'mon! Its the students who can make the change, and it was the students who formed DynamiX and started and game Ramjas RKP the Tech identity. Surely you can seed the germ among the students. One of the objectives of DynamiX is to help other schools setup their comp clubs/clans and bring them upto the mark.

At 10:27 AM, July 30, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

hmm, its true I believe, Thanks once again,I will start it asap and spread it through word of mouth strategy.



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