Sunday, July 17, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

frag fest,Final plan

DAY 1&2 : 29th 30th JULY
(5th – 8th)(9th-12th) Classes
Venus: Chip-lab.
25 persons per batch.
Total 20 batches.
Game: Quake 3 (arena).
Time Period: 15-20 minutes.
Periods used : “2” to “4” period and “5” to “8”
Cannot include Zero period as many will have there house works
Contestants: 80 gamers.
Venus: Chip-lab
4 batches of 20 gamers.
Top 4 from each batch.
Time periods: 30 mins.
Game: Unreal tournament 2003 demo

DAY 4:2nd August
Contestants: 16 gamers.
Venus: intel-lab
If any game is found which supports 16 racers at one or 2 batches of 8 playing Need for speed Underground(1).
Top 2 from each batch.
Time periods: Longest lap with 16 laps

DAY 5:3th August
Contestants: 4 or 5gamers.
Venus: intel-lab
Time periods: 3 hours.
Game: Halo

Trophy to Grand Winner
Can Dynamix member take part in it.

Will we go to every class and write
names of interested gamers, or will they run after us.

For changes plz mail me at


At 10:59 AM, July 17, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

This is fine. I think you should compile it to a proper *official* document with the guidelines I sent u in the mail.. and once we've settled this QuadrAthlon issue, which we hope to settle by Wednesday, we (actually you) can show it to Princi. :-)


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