Friday, August 05, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia


I must say that these guys have planned their event very well. It was conducted in a very ordered and neat manner, and the questions were quite nice, though we felt that the crossword was quite easy.

So Me & Roshan qualified in Crossword prelims getting nearly 20 questions correct. It was good that we made the change in the last minute.. we got in very throughly. Then Roshan, Me & Harsha of Team A qualified through the prelims in Quiz. The questions were nice. I personally feel that the repetition of questions from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Book) is getting a bit too boring. As a reference for budding quizzers in DynamiX, the most common questions that come in all quiz events from H2G2 are:

a) What is the name of the creature you push down your ear to be able to understand all the spoken languages of the Galaxy? Ans: Babelfish
b) What is the answer to the ultimate question of Life, Universe & Everything? Ans: 42 (This question is the most common one)
c) Which computer produced "42" as the answer to Life, Universe & Everything? Ans: Deep Thought
d) What was the name of the computer that was built by Deep Thought to find the ultimate question of which the answer was "42"? Ans: Earth

These are the major ones I remember. I recommend that all the budding quizzers read H2G2 & watch "Pirates of the Silicon Valley" movie.

Back to the event, our Junior Quiz team was unsuccessful in their first attempt at quizzing. Our Quiz team B was a mess, with loads of replacements, with Benjamin being the only original member. Understandably, they crashed out too.

Tomorrow is Senior Quiz Final, Programming, Gaming, Web D, GD, Digital Imaging. In all these, we stand a very good chance to win. C'mon! We can win this championship & defend the Title. We're the defending champions this year.

The students who are going tomorrow:
Shashank Shekhar, Roshan Shariff, Ayush Gupta, Somsubhro, Sanchit, Uma, Harsha.

Gaming goes on all day. All reach by 9:30 AM. The people who are leaving from the school HAVE TO PUSH the teacher In-Charge into going early and reaching on time. It was terrible the way you guys reached late. Me & Roshan are going directly. Let us Win this one!


At 9:53 AM, August 05, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

TRUE bro, the event was very well planned, The volunteers were extremely good.

gl tomorrow!

At 10:11 AM, August 05, 2005, Blogger Christopher Trottier said...

Is Douglas Adams really popular in India?

At 10:17 AM, August 05, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

nope, not at all

At 11:49 AM, August 05, 2005, Blogger Bharat said...

hmmm... where do u plan to get pirates of the silicon valley from? ;)

Could not make it to the event cuz i had to participatin the Columban Open Quiz... Seim-finalist BTW!

So, when is DynamiX taking place? it was supposed to be in August right?

At 11:09 AM, August 06, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Douglas Adams IS popular in India. Lots of people have read that.. all the self-respecting quizzers have read H2G2

We have been planning the DynamiX event.. its been on our minds all the time, but FragFest took away a lot of time. August is well.. a very busy month.. and if we get a convenient date from the school, we'll definately try to hold it in this month. Otherwise.. after our exams in Sept.

At 12:06 PM, August 06, 2005, Blogger Uma Damle said...

dynamiX 2005 HAS to be as well managed and planned as MINET. all our ambitious ideas have a knack of going bad and as the dyn is a bit umm different this year we should start planning meticulously for it right now.we donot want to repeat the FragFest Fiasco do we? holding the fest after our exams would be perfect because there wouldn't be the immidiate pressure and stress of academics to deal and it would be so much easier to persuade my parents to let me have some fun after the exams than before them:-)morover sept after the exams as far as i can see shouldnt be very claustrophobic.we just need to make sure that our dates do not clash with the comp events of any other school


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