Monday, May 29, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Few Changes

Made a few changes to the look of our blog.
* Changed the background to yellow.
* Stressed upon the black colour.

How are they?

Sunday, May 28, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Tech ED

Tech Ed was a project that DynamiX was working on last year.It was supposed to be a technology newsletter for students of our school.There were ambitious plans of having
a print version apart from an online version.
But the plans never materialized.This project as abandoned in its infancy mainly because all the three developers including me were in board classes and had no time to develop and maintain this newsletter.
This year DynamiX can still take on this project.But development does not seem as big a challenge to me as keeping the newsletter alive.If we make this as a newsletter for our school I doubt there'd be enough contribution and support from the students to keep the newsletter alive.Now I have a different idea.What if we collaborate with computer clans of other schools and make Tech ED a tech newsletter for schools across Delhi.
We develop Tech Ed with or without the help of students of other schools.Then we contact Computer Clans of other schools and ask them to join.There is an editorial team of Tech ED in each school.It is the responsibility of each team to publicise Tech Ed in their respective schools,collect articles from their students(And maybe even teachers),edit them and then publish them in this newsletter.
I know this sounds too big but this is just the basic idea which is open to suggestions and changes.Students of other clans visiting this blog are welcome to comment too.

Karan Thapar's stupendous interview

Karan Thapar recently had an interview with Mr. Arjun Singh, which I though was excellently carried out. Poor Mr. Arjun Singh was left speechless. The interview is published in the news channel's website and can be found here here

Saturday, May 27, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

1, 2, 300...

It's the 300th post on Dynamix-Notes. Congratuations Blog!

(Siddharth Razdan)


A very polite and a humble request to all the administrators. If you're editing or deleting the post of any member, you're generously required to inform the concerned member whose post has been tampered with.

(Siddharth Razdan)

Friday, May 26, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Window stability problems fixed...

... Microsoft has fixed all stability problems with Windows with the simple expedient of shipping a free sticker in the box, to be attached to any Windows PC.

/ducks and runs for cover

Thursday, May 25, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Illustrator Summer Workshop - Review

Planned Statistics

Date - 22 May 2006
Time - 8:30 A.M.
Venue - Intel Lab, Ramjas School, R.K.Puram

Approximately 45 minutes after the scheduled time, the workshop started with initially 12 people(2 joined in later). Many factors contributed to the delay
- Late personalities
- Projector
- Computers

There was some deviation from the "planned thought" as the software wasn't installed on any machine except one, and therefore, there was no way by which the students could apply, then and there, what they've learnt. Although Uma, the teacher out there, was ready to stay back and supervise after the class, if someone wanted to try their hands on Illustrator.

Anyway, the workshop wasn't solely about Illustrator but on vector graphics in general. The first half an hour was devoted to explain the pros & cons(mostly pros) of the graphics represented in co-ordinates as compared to graphics represented in pixels. After that came the technicalities of Illustrator, about which I must say, Uma had fared pretty well, much better than what I was expecting. I think she can take up few more 'shop's like these in the future. The proceedings were followed by a 10-minute break which extended to more than 30 minutes. And then came the last half hour in which the 'shop was winded up. Refreshment(a bottle of slice), was served in between.

Few things that need a mention are :-
-> Uma's methodility to teach(which as I said earlier, was excellent)
-> Prashanth's abily to grasp things and ask doubts
-> Somsubhro's ability to disturb :-)


The macroscopic events after the workshop were :-
* Discussion regarding the ventures of Dynamix in the present academic year(about which I'll write later).
* An in-Formal chat with Principal ma'am & Pandey Sir.

Final Verdict - A nice venture to start with. I'll award the workshop an 8/10.

(Siddharth Razdan)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Ordinatrix 2006.

Got this EMail:

Ordinatrix is a yearly Computer Festival organised byTagore International School, Vasant Vihar to provide a platform to share, learn and showcase talent of youngsters in the field of technology. To be a part of this prestigious event you need to log on to our school website i.e. and register yourself with complete details.
HURRY !!! Register soon ………

Tagore International School
Vasant Vihar
New Delhi- 57

Look around that website and register (if you want to)., to me is a service which has helped me remember my friend(s) birthday(s) on behalf of mine. Although it has got many other uses like sending personalised greeting cards, flowers, gifts etc & a nice calender, but I love it for the very reason stated above. It also reminds you of many other things like birthdays, holidays & events.
One nice feature of this service is that, you provide your E-Mail ID & Password to this service, & automatically invitation(s) to all the contacts in your account will be sent.
Final Verdict - Simple & efficient.

Jot Down Your Birthday here

(Siddharth Razdan)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Summer Workshop

Wanted to tell something to all the present school-going Dynamix Members. This workshop is very very very important for us. There's a quote saying "First impression is the last impression". And this venture, being the first one after the "biggies" has left out, is an opportunity, and a necessity too, for us to make it big.
But unfortunately, things are not moving according to my plan. Not even 30% of the planning has been done and what I can figure out is an disappointed Uma(Link). Huh. Now, if we want to make this event really upto the mark(which none of the Dynamix event by now has been), kindly pay heed to what I say.

My points regarding the event:
My opinion is, rather than tutoring the Illustrator, why not go for the famous Photo-shop. Everyone knows this application, at least, and I think many a people will be interested if we plan to impart the grass-root level knowledge of the software. It is not just an suggestion, it is an important too. I have talked to my fellow classmates and not surprisingly, 100 percent of them(whom I asked) has voted for the photoshop.

Although 90% chances are those of 20th may, but please confirm it to me.

Very important. In these scorching summmers, no one would like to burn. Therefore, an air-conditioned lab is a must. Tell me which one you would go for?

Again, very important. Unlike Pandey Sir, strength matters the most. We are not conducting this event just to have it quoted in the achievements section of the Dynamix catalogue(ever heard of it?). Tell me well in advance, how much students you would like to take care of?

Answer these three very basic and very important questions first. And then, I'll let you know more of my plans based upon your replies. Revert back ASAP.

(Siddharth Razdan)

1) I know this is a kinda aggerssive style, but I like it this way.
2) This is a post-dated-post till 20th may. Do not tamper with it.

Saturday, May 13, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Google Doodles or Logos

While I was just browsing internet , I came across a new term Google Doodles. I have been hearing about this term since long time back but didn't knew much about it. You might have seen them but didn't notice much about them yourself. Every time on a holidays or on major event like New year(for different religions), Halloween, Olympics and blah blahs, you see them as the banner of . Though use of them by any other website is prohibited but they are mind-blowing. Good-use of art. I thought you would like to know more about it. has had several logos since its renaming from "BackRub". Some of them can be seen on
Google's Holidaylogos

The Google also includes various modifications or humorous features, such as cartoon modifications, of their logo for use on holidays, birthdays of famous people( like ME ha ha ha) , etc. These have become known as Google Doodles. They are displayed on the day of the occasion, and then removed and archived( That means they are not deleted but kept for public veiwing, later on). Google Doodles were first initiated in 1999 for the Burning Man Festival and various other holidays. The tradition has continued to this day, with 167 different Doodles as of February 2005. These logos(the font design) also reflects a fictional or humorous language .

The Google logo was designed by Ruth Kedar, and is set in the Catull typeface.

Note : This is my first long post on DynamiX notes. I want some feedback. And some of the information has been taken from

Thursday, May 11, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX Doodles.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

"The Code Breakers" on BBC World

The BBC World service is airing a two-part documentary on how Free and Open Source software is helping the world, called The Code Breakers (more articles). I'm in the middle of watching the first part and it is reasonably fair and balanced. Each part is half-an-hour long. I highly recommend it to anybody with an interest in the future of computing. The two parts will air on BBC World at (Indian Standard Time):

  • Part One

    • Thursday 11 May - 1:00 AM

    • Thursday 11 May - 3:00 PM

    • Friday 12 May - 10:00 PM

    • Monday 15 May - 1:00 PM

  • Part Two

    • Thursday 18 May - 1:00 AM

    • Thursday 18 May - 3:00 PM

    • Friday 19 May - 10:00 PM

    • Monday 22 May - 1:00 PM

Thursday, May 04, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

My first Worthy mail

As we have had lost many of our precious members, We have to rebuild the groups which previous held.
Web Designing
Digital Graphics
Digital Music

I would request all these[ if ur name is not there plz set it done from UMA or SID]members to chose there group according to there very own identified talent.

Planning of workshop currently are handled by UMA and Sid.( I may request them to have it final with dates and time).

As for the inter-school competitions we will have Gaming( Not acc to shashank’s theory ) , programming ( we have no one for this category except for Sid{hopefully??} )and probably have web designing and graphics.

We have to held PROGRAMMING , WEB DESIGNING and GRAPHICS in July only as we still need to fill space in those category.

I request u for reply and comments, as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Illutrator Workshop- almost final plan

Since my post on the workshop is buried beneath a dozen other post very few people seem to have kept track of the converstion in the comment box.I am forced to make another post regarding the same topic to bring the developments to everybody's attention.This post will be deleted in a day or two

OK The almost final plan.The workshop is going to be held on 20th May from 8.30 am to 12.00 noon.
I would like all the people who are definately going to come to comment here.Those who have already done so need not do it again.

Tarun I am counting on you to contact Prashanth,Shakti and Stefan.Please do so ASAP and inform me whether they'll be coming or not through this post.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

No recruits?

April's gone and yet the list of Dynamites stays stagnant? I don't mean to interfere now that I'm not a member anymore, but I think the club ought to get new recruits if it has to be competitive. The months following re-opening: July, August & Sept are the competition-months, and DX has to improve its image from being considered inconsistent & maverick to consistent winners, if still maverick. Being maverick is often a good thing, as it means that people expect you to be innovative and different.

Workshops are the second best way to identify talent and the best way is to hold talent searches. Sid was working on a Logic Search competition right? What happened to it?

And someone invite Shakti Mehra to this blog too, and ask Prashanth to make his debut here. Kislay Pandey of 8C (He was in 7C when FragFest was on) is a talented gamer, and should be brought in. He will be able to allow DX to gain a foothold in the junior class segment and groom budding talents so that a couple of years down the line, DX will have a number of competitive talents. Involve the juniors, you need patience but it always pays. And you should think about holding more intra-school competitions. Don't tie them with House competitions.. they're biased and useless.

Monday, May 01, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Apple. Now in Ansal Plaza.

The post, immidiately below this one, compelled me to describe the newly opened Apple's showroom in Ansal Plaza, New Delhi, India. Here I go:
It's a spacious, gracious & strategically located(keeping in mind, the circular Ansal Plaza) shop with almost all the new & latest from Apple. As soon as you enter the place, the clean & marvellous white colour makes you admire the atmosphere around, for a while. Then as you start moving around the almost empty shop, iPods catch your eyes the first, and then, the new & original expensive softwares like Adobe, Coral, Norton etc, and then, at last, you see the real thing. The adorable G4 note-books & equally lovable Desktop machines. It was a nice experience for me to work for the first time on Mac & the Mighty Mouse. Doubly so because the fresh air by their powerful AC's, directly in front of my face, added to my mood. The extra-ordinarily customer-friendly staff, which were not ready to accept that Windows & Linux are better than Mac, took an hour(rather more than that) & explained me almost all the Milky White machine, its whereabouts, its compatibility & all the other blah related to it.
It was good to hear, & simultaneously see that Windows & Mac could exist together on a single machine. The experience out there of mine with Mac was fantastic. The only thing not "good" was their cost factor. I'm waiting for the next 2-3 years from now on. As soon as the price(s) go down, I'll immidiately be up with an Apple of my eye.

Somtimes, I feel like giving a best-of-luck mail to the company, but the very next moment I think that, what they will do with it?

(Siddharth Razdan)