Saturday, May 13, 2006 | On this day:

Google Doodles or Logos

While I was just browsing internet , I came across a new term Google Doodles. I have been hearing about this term since long time back but didn't knew much about it. You might have seen them but didn't notice much about them yourself. Every time on a holidays or on major event like New year(for different religions), Halloween, Olympics and blah blahs, you see them as the banner of . Though use of them by any other website is prohibited but they are mind-blowing. Good-use of art. I thought you would like to know more about it. has had several logos since its renaming from "BackRub". Some of them can be seen on
Google's Holidaylogos

The Google also includes various modifications or humorous features, such as cartoon modifications, of their logo for use on holidays, birthdays of famous people( like ME ha ha ha) , etc. These have become known as Google Doodles. They are displayed on the day of the occasion, and then removed and archived( That means they are not deleted but kept for public veiwing, later on). Google Doodles were first initiated in 1999 for the Burning Man Festival and various other holidays. The tradition has continued to this day, with 167 different Doodles as of February 2005. These logos(the font design) also reflects a fictional or humorous language .

The Google logo was designed by Ruth Kedar, and is set in the Catull typeface.

Note : This is my first long post on DynamiX notes. I want some feedback. And some of the information has been taken from


At 11:23 PM, May 12, 2006, Blogger Abhishek Nandakumar said...

You guys don't break rules set by Google. I dont think you can use google's doodles here.


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