Saturday, May 27, 2006 | On this day:


A very polite and a humble request to all the administrators. If you're editing or deleting the post of any member, you're generously required to inform the concerned member whose post has been tampered with.

(Siddharth Razdan)


At 5:11 AM, May 27, 2006, Blogger ABM said...

In fact I feel NO posts of any members should be deleted or edited by any one person. If there is some problem with the taste or content of the post (which has rarely happened or should happen), it should be just marked by the moderator(s). The deleting decision should be taken by all members by voting or something of that sort.

At 8:10 AM, May 27, 2006, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

According to the Web Log guidelines, the administrator may or may not inform the poster about the obligatory edits made in the respective post. I always alert the poster whenever his/her post has been removed by me, along with a reason for bringing about the deletion. Though it must be noted that by "Deletion" I mean saving that particular post as a draft.

At 3:34 AM, May 28, 2006, Blogger ABM said...

I think the guidelines you are talking about are in specific to "personal" blogs, which are owned by their administrators.
For a blog like this one, the administrators are just caretakers, and hence should consult all members before any decision regarding any edits or deletion is done.
And so anybody who feels any post should be removed, should notify all members who should take a decision. Finally, the job of the moderator, as a moderator remains in just taking the action after the decision is made.

I thought everyone knew that.

At 8:17 AM, May 28, 2006, Blogger Siddharth Razdan said...

Ankur, I'd like to correct you on something. In certain cases, editing/deleting becomes indespensible, without asking others opinions. Like the interview post you've posted just above this one.
You provided such a long link "". And I'll edit it to a simple here. Isn't that justified?

(Siddharth Razdan)

At 12:31 AM, May 29, 2006, Blogger ABM said...

No, dear Sid, that's not the "edit" I meant. By edit I meant change in content. What you have done is formatting, which is perfectly fine.
Sorry for the long link. Actually I thought of "here" as well but I thought its better for people to know at first sight where they are being linked to. (OK, I know one can see that above the taskbar as well, but still...)

At 7:27 AM, May 29, 2006, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

I see no reason why the concerned persons should not be notified of changes.. except laziness on the part of the admins. :-P

As for whether or not the content should be modified, its upto the admins to be responsible enough to keep their fingers out of minor things. Admins have been made Admins because they have been declared to be responsible and experienced enough to know when to pull the plug and when not to. Don't be intolerant.


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