Wednesday, February 01, 2006 | On this day:

Dynamix Respawned-Not Symposium But Clan

Un-Officially though, but it can be well announced that the present commitee of the Dynamix Clan has dissolved. Everything that was possible by a hand-ful of students in contributing towards creating a community of like-minded people has been done above the potential. Only because of Dynamix, our school is into the process of becoming a reputed one in terms of computers, technology and the students too.

All the senior serious members deserve a sincere thank you, of-course from the students and from the school too. Some of their concrete achievements are :-
* Organised Symposia(twice)
* Maintained our school website
* Held Work-shop(s)
* Brought many a trophies for school
* Organised gaming competiton(Frag-Fest)
* Pushed(not exactly!) other tech people into this community and so on...

Now the thing is, in march, all of them retires. All of them are through with their duties. After a two-year close parental relationship with Dynamix, they are parting away. Their role has ended. The series is over for them. In short, their era has ended. They are stepping into a totally different world of college life. A very best of luck to you all. May you succeed in whatever you do.

This is a post-of-assurance for the departing(no wrong intended!) members. In this post, on behalf of all the "fresh-blood" taking over, I am promising you all of a more active, better, sexier(yes seriously!) and a more focussed clan. All the activities that previous batch couldn't carry out(like departments), will be completed by us in success. New ideas, which an integral requirement of a clan like those of ours, will be thought of and worked upon. I am sure you are not, but the following few lines are for those who are worried, along with being concerned about the future of the clan. I would like to say that there is absolutely no need to take "not-required-tensions". The new team in place, is all set to except the challenge. Things will be shaked up at the Dynamix. Anything & Everything possible by the new hand-ful of boys/girls making up the team Dynamix will be done above potential as you guys have done. May god bless us.

I wish you all, a very happy lifetime.

(Siddharth Razdan)


At 5:53 AM, February 01, 2006, Blogger Tarun Gahlot said...

yes Mr.Razdan as a member of dynamix club i'll provide my level best service to the 'DYNAMIX NEW TEAM'.I'm glad that our skool had such a wonderful team of dynamites in yr 2005.I think 'frag-fest" event was superb.Best of luck to all students of class '12th'.bye.

At 5:58 AM, February 01, 2006, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

May the Force be with you.

At 6:58 AM, February 01, 2006, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

All the best for all the projects that you undertake. Just make sure you try to include as many people as possible (as many as neccessary too.. don't overcrowd) in the projects, and always try to encourage talent from the junior classes, starting from class 6. No kidding, you'll find some serious potential out there.. some people have strong logic.

We had several projects that we could not complete/undertake. Our bi-monthly students' tech-newsletter for classes X-XII was planned to quite a level, but couldn't be implemented due to time constraints on us in the academic life. FragFest too wasn't really completed, we just abruptly finished it after all action, racing and 3 strategy rounds. No finals were held since we encountered lots of unforeseen problems. So I'll be very happy to see a successful FragFest held in the next session. I'll try to provide help from wherever I will be in the coming months.

At 4:51 AM, February 02, 2006, Blogger frankzzsword said...

so whos the next president?

At 5:01 AM, February 02, 2006, Blogger Siddharth Razdan said...

In the Dynamix Club, they are no ego-boosting titles such as a President or a vice-president. We have a team of 5-6 members known as core-commitee which is the major decision-making body of the clan. There is no single authority.

(Siddharth Razdan)

At 5:02 AM, February 02, 2006, Blogger Siddharth Razdan said...

And I am surprised that you didn't knew this fact. Whom do you think was the so-called president, this year?

(Siddharth Razdan)

At 5:03 AM, February 02, 2006, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Very well said Sid. This is true since we're technical people, where we cannot be differentiated or given titles.. and an equalitarian society is the best one for technical communities. Decisions are made by a collective and unanimous effort. Anyone who takes initiative becomes the host of meetings or representative of the clan while talking to others (e.g. Management of the school)

At 6:08 AM, February 02, 2006, Blogger frankzzsword said...

k thnx

At 9:12 PM, February 03, 2006, Blogger DeAtHr!dEr said...

All the very best 2 u boyz.

Rachit Taneja

At 1:33 AM, February 04, 2006, Blogger Tarun Gahlot said...

thnks mr.Taneja,mr.Shekhar & mr.Ayush..yes,partialilty leads to dwnfall..ya sure i think many more interesting activities 'll b undertaken by DYNAMIX CLUB this yr.But i think some more students of 11th(present 1oth) class shud b called upon so that 12th'ies don't face ne prob.

At 1:34 AM, February 04, 2006, Blogger Tarun Gahlot said...

srry 4got to tell mr.anderson is now known as bluffmaster for a time being.


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