Saturday, January 28, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

MacBook Pro. Wishes do come True.

Powered by a dual-core Intel engine. Up to four times the speed of the PowerBook G4. Eight times the graphics bandwidth. With built-in iSight for instant video conferencing on the move. And Front Row with Apple Remote to dazzle everyone in the room. Wait no more. MacBook Pro starts at just $1999.

Thursday, January 26, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Dynamix Notes Updated

Few modifications which this blog has gone through are as follows

* Header changed
* Links Section touched
* List of names of Dynamites, arranged in the alphabetical order
* Alumni Section Created (Very soon we'll be needing that)
* Added an Headline Animator

And with these changes, I mark myself as the new/additional administrator of this blog(No show-off intended).
Comments and Suggestions are welcomed regarding these changes.

(Siddharth Razdan)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Speed up Firefox

I have got some kool tips to speed up firefox:

Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit return.

Scroll down and look for the following entries:

Alter the entries as follows: (to edit just double click on it)

1.Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"

2.Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"

3.Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 100.

This means it will make 100 requests at once.

Finally, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name
it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This
value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts
on information it receives. If you're using a broadband
connection you'll load pages really fast!

Here is another tip to increase your internet connection speed in Win XP:

This tip is designed for increased BROADBAND speed in Windows XP, but it should work for 56k modems too.

Note: This following tip will not work on XP Home Edition.

1.Make sure you're logged on as actually "Administrator". Do not log on with any account that just has administrator privileges.

2.Start > Run > type gpedit.msc (not available in home version).

3.Expand the Local Computer Policy branch.

4.Expand the Administrative Templates branch.

5.Expand the Network branch.

6.Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window.

7.In right window double click the "limit reservable bandwidth" setting.

8.On setting tab check the ENABLED item.

9.Where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0 (ZERO).

10.Close gpedit.msc.

11.Effect is immediate on some systems, some need to re-boot.

These two tips worked fine for me and i can see the difference. Lets see what you people have to say about it...

Clan Meeting Required

We all need to meet online someday/night. 12th was not available on 23rd. Most of us were busy scribbling each other's shirts. Next two days were pracs for 12th.

But I know that organizing an online meeting is a real pain in the neck. Half the people turn up, half don't. Those who do, turn up late. Yahoo is one of the buggiest softwares out there, keeps crashing, kicking people out automatically etc etc. I need not go on. Here's an alternative to the online meeting scheme. If possible, we all meet on some day, say 29th. If everyone agrees, we can meet in the Intel/DX Lab at around 10 AM? Mostly, we need to have the new team in place. This includes the new-comers, including the ones who haven't shown their faces yet. We need to ask them to volunteer to learn a new skill and become useful.

I leave it to the new team to select the ones who are to be contacted and asked to attend the meeting. We do not need a crowd, and the maximum number of people from the new recruits should be about 6-7. Stefan, Kislay Pandey (7C) etc are really talented and should be encouraged. The existing new team who have been active are talented too, that's why they are in DX. :-) I will not define who is in the new team and who is not. Whoever considers himself/herself part of the new team and is prepared to work for it, is in. So contact only the ones who are going to work, and a minimum of 5 new recruits should attend the meeting. I leave it to Sid & Sanchit to organize the meeting and contact the neccesary people. Who all from the recruitment list do you people think should attend?

Sunday, January 22, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Firefox keyboard Shortcuts for entering URL Address

Instead of typing the whole, try this.

Type blah in the text toolbar and

* Ctrl + Enter will add http://www. before and .com and load the resulting url.
* Shift + Enter will add http://www. and .net,
* Ctrl + Shift + Enter will add http://www. and .org

(Siddharth Razdan)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Things Need to be changed.....

we can give our DX website a new look.... its getting quite monotounous..!!
we can add color to it and also larger logos....
hav u heard abt the latest athlon FX - 60 processor..??
it gives dual core gaming performance.....
can someone please tell me what exactly does the AMD FX processors hav for gaming that other processors dont..??
and do any one of u hav FIFA 2006..??


Enough of sad moments!?!
prashant get well soon.( sorry for delay)
On to the business.
Hand OF THe power Dude.
New generation is ready to take care for it( dyanmix).
Passwords,web-site,administration e.t.c
Don't take it in a wrong way.
But u just got 2 days left in your school.
(which includes ur scribbling day).
So hurry up.

Monday, January 16, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Suggested Changes

Administrators, here are the few, suggested changes for this blog.

* Remove the Navigation Bar.
* Remove the Blogger Button.
* Remove the Tag-Board link "Provided by".
* Remove the FORCE link, from "A Link Here and Link There" section.

(Siddharth Razdan)

Perpendicular recording technology

Seagate is shipping what it claims is the industry's first 2.5in notebook PC drive built on perpendicular recording technology.
Perpendicular recording stands data bits on end on the disc, rather than flat to the surface as with existing longitudinal recording, to deliver improved levels of hard drive data density and capacity.
The enhanced data orientation also increases drive performance without increasing spin speed by allowing more bits to pass under the drive head in the same amount of time
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies is today announcing new advancements to a 100-year-old magnetic recording technology that will set the stage for ultra-high capacities such as a 20-gigabyte(a) Microdrive or a one terabyte 3.5-inch hard drive.

And to think I was awed by an ad announcing the release of a 500 GB hard drive by Seagate and didn't know what to do with an 80 GB Hard Drive about 2 years ago...:-)The speed at which technology is advancing,it's frightening.

Monday, January 09, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia


Digital Cyborg Hammer.
With unbreakable & high density Lens Technology this hammer also counts nails its drills plus fingers.

Friday, January 06, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Vote, or DIE!

Nominations for

Have Begin.

Vote for DynamiX Notes and Other Good Web Logs.
Vote, or DIE!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Moby Dick Swallows Little Mermaid.

My sources have informed me that Adobe has acquired Macromedia for $ 3.4 Billion and that the Shares in Macromedia rose 10% on news its US rival Adobe is to buy it for $3.4bn (£1.8bn) and integrate its software with its own.

Under the terms of the acquisition, US-based Macromedia's shareholders will own 18% of the combined business. With the addition of Macromedia's products - which include computer animation, and Dreamweaver and Flash web-design software, for use on the internet and mobiles - Adobe hopes to meet the need from businesses for more integrated software.

Lets hope they are better together.