Sunday, October 30, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Club Day

ON 23rd December 2005 , a "Club Day" has cropped up in which the members of their respective clubs have to show what they have done from the starting of the year . The clubs can hold Exhibitions , competition on that day . I am not sure whether it is an inter-club competition but it sounds like as if it is one . So , we should start working for it from now on .

A small list of what we have done is right here -
-Sent students to other schools competitions
-Maintining schools website
Right now , I couldnt think of others .

And yes , one more thing . The day I receieved this information , I receieved a bomb too . Sanchit and Uma and Benjamin and other students of Board classes refused to work for this day . They said that they will be busy with their pre-boards . Is this thing holds valid for all of you . I am asking you Shashank , Ayush , Roshan , Ankur , Rahul in particular ?

Thursday, October 27, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Force Fest 2005

I am taking the liberty to post the results of the Force Fest 2005.

*Quiz:Needless to say our team came first in quiz.We were leading by a huge margin of 120:75.Hats off to Roshan.He was brilliant.I take no credit for myself...Even with the questions that I knew ,before I could gather my thoughts and open my mouth he would be ready with the answers.I did learn a lot though..That quiz was like an insight into the mind of a quizzer and how its supposed to work.Now I know what are the areas I need to build upoun.

*Crossword: Alas.. we couldn't make it to the finals.The scedule was totally screwed up with Programming and S/W display clashing with Quiz and Crossword.By the time Roshan dashed off the questions for quiz and did the programming,He and Ankur were left with 2o minutes to solve the crossword..:-(

*Digital Imaging:Didn't make it.None of the people willing to go to this event had the required level of expertise in Photoshop.

*WebD:Didn't make it.Appearently Shakti and Prashanth who went for this event got to the venue an hour late 'cause they didn't know the event had started

*Cartoon Making:Two 7thies Puneet and some other guy came third in cartoon making :-) This was pretty talent coming in.

*Flash:This event was for me a total fiasco.We had to make an animated intro of a F1 racing team(I have very little knowledge in this field.).Me and Prashant had a err.. clash of ideologies.I wanted a sleek greyscale look with minimalistic use of graphics while Prashanth wanted that bright yellow sky-Lime green grass-smiling faces look with comic sans font.When we finally settled for an idea it totally backfired (Realised that what I was trying to achieve would take a some amount of brainy scripting or a well planned strategy or some peace and quiet..which certainly could not be achieved in 25 minutes.)Then again started from scratch and believe me whatever productive work we did was in the last 15 minutes.Anyway..

*Cadet Quiz:Didn't make it to the finals.We really should work on getting the juniors prepared in the field of quizes,graphics and stuff.

*Gaming:We didn't make it to the finals.According to Shakti his computer crashed when he was leading and hence he fell back :-(

*Got a few ideas for our symposium after visiting this one.Can't write it here though :-)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX 2005 Respawned Dates

This is to inform those who do not already know that DynamiX 2005R is being held on the 15th & 16th of November, 2005 NOT 8th & 9th. This is because a team of our students are leaving for Hyderabad for a National-level programming competition and that is on exactly the same dates. Lets work for a great event!

PS: There is still a censor on discussion of event-details on public places such as this blog. Nothing except stupid stuff like dates & letters shall be here. Thank You.

Friday, October 21, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX 2005 Respawned

Its here! DynamiX 2005 Respawned is here, bigger and badder so to say. :-)

The Ultimate Clash of the Titans


Be there! You can confirm via email: dynamix 'at' ramjasrkp 'dot' com

And ofcourse, anything and everything related to DX 2K5 ReSpawned can be found on our Website also.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Virus 2005

Nice event, but went a bit too far and read too much into the matrix.. something I don't really appreciate. But the coordination was pretty good, and overall level was okay.

3 out of 5 programming questions were pretty easy. One was an output finding thing, where they put up a complex thing like main() calls f4(), f4() calls some f1, f2, f3 repeatedly 6-7 times. And each, f1, f2 & f3 called functions f6, f11, f12, f13 which wrote to the screen with some letters. Then main() called f5, which again called f1,f2,f3 and each of them called those writing functions. That was to be done on paper, and we did parallel work, me working on that question.. making all the passes and drawing out the output, while Roshan started working on a program that required you to convert a number of a given base (b/w 2-16) to a specified base (b/w 2-16). We both got it nearly the same time, and therefore very soon, we were skipping ahead with a lead of 200+300. Then we got one more simple question out of the way, that required you to convert a string of characters into its binary equivalent & also the complement (replacing 0 with 1 & vice versa) of that. One question to find a perfect arrangement of 8 humans in an 8x8 grid so that no machine can kill them (there were some complex rules which I'm in no shape to explain.. nearly dropping off to sleep). Anyhow, it sort of didn't work out, and we opted for a viva, since at that point, we were tied with Frank Anthony for 1st at 650 points. That guy didn't agree with our logic for that, and we tried a last shot, and gave the viva (logic explanation) for a program that will print the calender for any specified year assuming 1st Jan, 0 AD = Sunday. We got 50 points for that, and hence we won.

We found out that Shakti Mehra of 9B won the prize for the best interjector in Debate. Good work! Quiz.. as usual we reached the finals, and after initially lagging behind MIS by about 5 points, we made a comeback and ended 1st with double the points of the second prize.. 110 to 55.

Rest of the events were nice. To sum it up, mine & Roshan's team participated in quiz & prog and won both, the other events I think except debate we didn't get any. DPS Noida had sent a mammoth team, and obviously won the overall.

Special mention: Roshan was adjudged as "The ONE", in short the best participant, which was true.. who led the competition perfectly. And he got a special air ticket from Air Sahara for a back & forth journey to any place in India. :-) Kewl!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Exun 2005.

Delhi Public School, R.K.Puram's computer symposium Exun 2005 will be held on 19th, 20th and 23rd November.

Rules can be found here.
Schedule can be found here.
Exun's Website can be found here.
Exun's Web Log can be found here.

PS: They are holding the event right at exam time. Screw 'em.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX 2005 ReSpawned : Updates.

In today's meeting with the Principal, in regard to the dates of the Symposium (spanned over 2 days) it has been decided that the symposium will be held on 8th and 9th November, and not in the late October.
These days are final and officially confirmed.

Monday, October 17, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Godlike Speed.

Source: Karan's Journal

Sunday, October 16, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Featuring over 40 G.B. and Video , Microsoft truly gives a new mp3 player mPod. mPod has been microsoft toughest challanges while development there were many considerations bout mPod's design and Microsoft Finally came up with the screenshot attached

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Meeting Required Urgently

Tomorrow i.e. on 13 Oct , these members

Ayush Gupta
Shashank Shekhar
Siddharth Razdan
Somsubhro Chaudhuri
Rachit Taneja
Rahul Seth
Roshan Shariff
Sanchit Gulati
Ankur Mahata
Uma Damle

are required to attend the meeting to be held during the assembly .
Someone (I mean Shashank Shekhar) , please make a letter in which we will be demanding a permission to do the same .
(Siddharth Razdan)

DynamiX. Dusshera style.

Happy Dusshera to all the Dynamites.

Saturday, October 08, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Doom : The Movie.

"If it breathes ... Kill it" - Sarge.

Something has gone wrong at a remote scientific research station on Mars. All research has ceased. Communication has failed ... And Hell Breaks Loose ...

Trailer can be found here.
Official Movie Site can be found here.
Doom on iMDb can be found here.

I am DEFINITELY going to watch Doom! Coming?

Eyes Of God

This is the picture NASA took with their Hubble Space Telescope called the "Eyes Of God"

Not Dumb Enough To Not Use Google.

Friday, October 07, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Talk about yourself

Just for fun, maybe someone in the future might read it...
Write about yourself in the DX Wiki.

Just click on your name in the members page and edit.

Members' Page

Thursday, October 06, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Change. It's good.

Finally the Servers at Ensim started working perfectly again, and thus, as promised, the new layout of The DynamiX Clan Website is now up and running.

Website can be found here: The DynamiX Clan

Errors can be reported here: Error Swatter

A few links like: The DynamiX Photo Gallery and the DynamiX Wiki, are showing internal server errors. They will be resolved soon.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Mt. St. Mary's Team

Here is the team that's going as of now to Mt. St. Mary's on 15th October:

Shakti Mehra - 9B
Prashanth - 9B
Stefan - 9B
Uma Damle - 10B

Web Designing:
Shakti Mehra - 9B
Prashanth - 9B

Sanchit Gulati - 10B

Siddharth Razdan - 11A

Now, from classes 9, 10, & 11, I need people for:
Sym, where you have to talk on stuff, stuff like Social Relevance of IT, India - Outsourcing Hub of the world etc. Check out Rules to see the other topics.

Design_Matrix: A photoshop DG event.
Ad Enact: 4 ppl have to think up an ad in 40 mins or something and act.
Sloganomics: Think up a whacky slogan.

And one more programmer.

There's no sense in sending a half-team.. there'll be no chance of winning the overall that way. Especially since Sym has a lot of points... more than the others.

Sunday, October 02, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

The Variations. See?

The Graph represents the Daily visits on the DynamiX Notes Web-Log.

Yahoo AddressGuard

I discovered a powerful feature "AddressGuard" in Yahoo.
Although it does not directly protect our ID directly but it creates an alias and when you get the alias spammed , simply delete it .
I think pitiable creatures who are supposed to give their ID's on various websites and that too openly , must use this feature .

Siddharth Razdan

DynamiX notes

Okay, I took some time to write a beginner's guide to get to a decent level in games like Unreal & Quake. Beginners who want to improve their gaming skills, or want to learn gaming should read this.

Saturday, October 01, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

IndiaCompetitions Online 0.1

ICO.1 is an Online Designing event and students under 19 can particpate from any School in Delhi .
For More Info Visit The Official Website.
Please Enter Now , Last Day For Registration is 5th October.