Thursday, October 20, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Virus 2005

Nice event, but went a bit too far and read too much into the matrix.. something I don't really appreciate. But the coordination was pretty good, and overall level was okay.

3 out of 5 programming questions were pretty easy. One was an output finding thing, where they put up a complex thing like main() calls f4(), f4() calls some f1, f2, f3 repeatedly 6-7 times. And each, f1, f2 & f3 called functions f6, f11, f12, f13 which wrote to the screen with some letters. Then main() called f5, which again called f1,f2,f3 and each of them called those writing functions. That was to be done on paper, and we did parallel work, me working on that question.. making all the passes and drawing out the output, while Roshan started working on a program that required you to convert a number of a given base (b/w 2-16) to a specified base (b/w 2-16). We both got it nearly the same time, and therefore very soon, we were skipping ahead with a lead of 200+300. Then we got one more simple question out of the way, that required you to convert a string of characters into its binary equivalent & also the complement (replacing 0 with 1 & vice versa) of that. One question to find a perfect arrangement of 8 humans in an 8x8 grid so that no machine can kill them (there were some complex rules which I'm in no shape to explain.. nearly dropping off to sleep). Anyhow, it sort of didn't work out, and we opted for a viva, since at that point, we were tied with Frank Anthony for 1st at 650 points. That guy didn't agree with our logic for that, and we tried a last shot, and gave the viva (logic explanation) for a program that will print the calender for any specified year assuming 1st Jan, 0 AD = Sunday. We got 50 points for that, and hence we won.

We found out that Shakti Mehra of 9B won the prize for the best interjector in Debate. Good work! Quiz.. as usual we reached the finals, and after initially lagging behind MIS by about 5 points, we made a comeback and ended 1st with double the points of the second prize.. 110 to 55.

Rest of the events were nice. To sum it up, mine & Roshan's team participated in quiz & prog and won both, the other events I think except debate we didn't get any. DPS Noida had sent a mammoth team, and obviously won the overall.

Special mention: Roshan was adjudged as "The ONE", in short the best participant, which was true.. who led the competition perfectly. And he got a special air ticket from Air Sahara for a back & forth journey to any place in India. :-) Kewl!


At 2:38 AM, October 20, 2005, Blogger Siddharth Razdan said...

Air Sahara !!!
Sexy man !!!

At 4:52 AM, October 20, 2005, Blogger Uma Damle said...

Congrats to Roshan,Shashank and Shakti:-)
I sort of felt guilty for refusing to go to the debate..I am sorry but I didn't want to make a total fool of myself there on the stage without having done any prior research on the topic.Next time there is an event please inform me atleast 10hrs beforehand.Let me get mentally prepared atleast.
A request:I wish to go to atleast one quiz in the coming symposiums(Exun and/or Force).Next time you make the teams,keep me in your mind.

At 6:20 AM, October 20, 2005, Blogger frankzzsword said...

wow nice work guys!! keep it up,

and special congratulate to roshan


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