Monday, September 12, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

How logical are you?

Hey I found this interesting test that I recommend everyone should take. Its not any stupid test, but a full fledged logic test that makes use of loads of Venn Diagram stuff (that's the best way to crack this test). I tried it myself, and found it genuinely interesting.. stuff like "All A that are not D are B that are not C" etc.

Logic Test

A must-do for all the programming aspirants. ;-)


At 5:40 AM, September 13, 2005, Blogger ABM said...

gr8 test!i got 16/26(avg i guess).
They should have rated according to score also. Took me approx 13 minutes. The mean little dogs made me a bit crazy though...

At 8:12 AM, September 13, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Yep.. the mean little dogs was great.. and I found that the "All A are B" and "All C are D" questions quite easy to solve by substituting "A" with Blondes, "B" with stupid, "C" with surdarjis, & "D" with Funny. ;-) Heheh.. it works!


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