Wednesday, August 31, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX 2005 Respawned

OK, I & Rahul propose that DynamiX 2005 be held 1 week after Dussehra holidays. So that makes it somewhere in 2nd week of October. Sanchit says that he's fine with it. I want the opinions/problems of this date from you all.

Also, I want everyone to keep stocking computer quiz questions, and make as many crosswords as possible. Pay more attention to stockpiling quiz questions. We need a stack of atleast 200 questions or so for selecting the final block.


At 10:19 PM, August 31, 2005, Blogger Uma Damle said...

Let's get it over with in September.From what our teachers tell us the board classes are supposed to finish their syllabus by October end. I don't think we (well atleast the 10thies) will be able to miss any classes then. 2 or 3
weeks after the exams seems like a good idea to me.

At 10:48 PM, August 31, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

2-3 weeks after exams is October. :-)

Let me reveal my thought process. After exams? Yes! We'll need atleast 2-3 weeks after exams as Uma said. Sure. Most probably, Dussehra hols are from 28th Sept. So 10 days out. We will need to work over the hols too and come to school if possible sometimes. After hols, we'll need atleast 1 week to ensure everything's back to normal and set. So mid Oct. Something like 19th Oct.

At 10:58 PM, August 31, 2005, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

Around 19th seems fine. Keep it after 15th (I got mail from one MSM school saying that they are having their's on 15th, I have told them that it will most probably be after it).

At 10:58 PM, August 31, 2005, Blogger Siddharth Razdan said...


Reading this post today almost surprised me . What a hasty decision it is to
have DynamiX 2005 Respawned conducted in 2nd week of October . It really
makes no sense . In no way we can co-ordinate all the activities of the
event with so less time in hand (as the exams are starting on 8th and will
be keeping us busy till 19th) .

We,right now do not possess any plans for the event (this is the piece of
information that I have till now) and i dont think it is a simple task to
write the source code of a mammoth-like event in 15 days !!!

I remember how the date of Frag-Fest was fixed in one of the meetings and
just see the length and breath of time it has exceeded .

I think January is a better time to see this event in action . There is
absolutely no need to name the event "DynamiX 2005 Respawned" .We can name
it simply as DynamiX 2006 .

Well , this was my opinion which might not be correct .But still everybody
is requested to think upon what I have written .

P.S : Sorry for disturbing all of you with my useless forwards . Now its
really time to get down for some serious work .And yes , if you already have
some plans for the event please do let me know .

At 11:13 PM, August 31, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Siddharth, I would like to correct you on a few issues.
[quote]We,right now do not possess any plans for the event[/quote]

Incorrect. I don't know if you have been checking your GMail account,
but I've sent you the entire event details. Believe it or not, I have
been planning this event since umm.. March, and we've been planning it
since I revealed the plans to others in June I think.

[quote]i dont think it is a simple task to
write the source code of a mammoth-like event in 15 days !!![/quote]

Absolutely! I agree with you, and again, please check your GMail
account, and you'll see that I had also sent you this change.

FragFest need not be brought up again and again. It is fine, we all
know what went wrong. That is enough. Please read my comment to the
latest blog post.

Lets all get to work


At 4:59 AM, September 09, 2005, Blogger Bharat said...

whatever you guys do, get a better quizmaster this time, and PLEASE make the quiz longer.

At 11:29 AM, September 09, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Heh.. we're planning something different. Can't reveal now, but don't worry about this. An old alumni wanted to anchor the quiz then, so we let him..

I hope you guys send in a *skilled* team this time around too. Any more suggestions from your side regarding the event?

Thanks Bharat


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