Mt. St. Mary's
Heh... the first thing I read in the Rules document was "..all team members are in proper school uniform or else face disqualification". :-)
Anyhow, their events are:
Ad Enact
Graphic Designing
(I dropped all the funny names.. they look cool but are too much trouble to type. :-D Check out their Invite page to see the names in full text)
Now, there is a problem. These guys have clashed programming with quiz prelims. We need to somehow manage with it. And the schedule makes no mention of the Quiz finals. :-/
And webD clashes with Digital Graphics. :-//
Things don't look good. Maybe we can send some new WebDesigners this time around? Juniors.. Prashanth was quite eager to be sent as a WebDesigner somewhere..
Gaming, only one person. This is bad. Quiz.. we can send 4 people in one team. So I think we can have me & Roshan, and those two junior quizzers: Prashanth & Shakti along with us. What do you say? Maybe we can have in WebD, a junior and me.. since I'll be free then. And for graphics Ayush and Uma can go. These are only my suggestions, since the juniors and seniors will not be meeting for a couple of days now. Discussion is open.
The Ultimate Clash of the Titans!
The DynamiX Clan presents

The Ultimate Clash of the Titans.
Late October, 2005
Ramjas School, R.K.Puram
Shocking. Yet, Interesting.
We placed the nano in the path of the car and drove over it with both front and rear tires.

Driving over the nano produced sickening crunching noises which coincidentally sounded a lot like an LCD being crushed. After the first hit and run, the iPod's display was not cracked but was showing some nasty vertical lines. Shockingly, the nano was still playing music and the controls still operated as expected, as we were still able to skip ahead, go back, pause, and play music!
Full Story can be found here.
DynamiX meeting
Date: 19th September
Time: 11:35 am
Venue: Intel Lab
The final event plan shall be discussed in the meeting. Comments and queries shall be recieved based on the plan discussed in the online meeting.
All of the planning commitee is required to attend it.
DynamiX 2005b
Its here! Dates with 95% probability: October 17th & 18th. Any worries with this date? The school has given clearance for this. Comments. Take your time, I know you all have parent troubles with Exams going on...
Sun VS Dell
How logical are you?
Hey I found this interesting test that I recommend everyone should take. Its not any stupid test, but a full fledged logic test that makes use of loads of Venn Diagram stuff (that's the best way to crack this test). I tried it myself, and found it genuinely interesting.. stuff like "All A that are not D are B that are not C" etc.
Logic Test
A must-do for all the programming aspirants. ;-)
Outlook Express and G-Mail
I am fed up now.
I have tried everything which is possible but still also i have not been able to send even a single mail from my G-Mail account using outlook express .
I have checked all the setting about approximately 103 times .They are all correct . In fact i have also used the G-Mail configurator but it also had no effect . I can only receieve mails but i cannot send them .
One more thing , I also have an Yahoo account on Outlook and it works perfectly .
So , now the big question . CAN ANYONE HELP ME ???
I shall be grateful to him/her .
My iPod is obsolete now!
"Take everything you love about iPod and shrink it. Now shrink it again. With 2GB (500 songs) and 4GB (1,000 songs) models starting at $199, the pencil-thin iPod nano packs the entire iPod experience into an impossibly small design. So small, it will take your music places you never dreamed of." --
Man! I wish I had waited for some more time, I could have got for the same price a color-screen iPod that's ultra-small. :( That's technology for you. Mine is just a mini..
Yet, iPod's the best of all. :-)
Email Aliases Removed
In view of recent spam attacks on several clan members who had Email-Aliases ( which forwarded automatically to the specified real email account), all the aliases have been removed.
Either we all pick up a new alias name to be put up on the DX site only to get spammed again after a few months, or we put a new system of sending emails from the DX site itself by, say, selecting the member name from a drop-down menu. This way, we don't reveal our emails in public.
What say?
Meeting Required
We need to have a meeting as soon as possible. All the three classes, 10th, 11th & 12th come on 8th, i.e the day of the first paper. Can all of us meet for a quick 10-15 minute meeting in the Intel Lab? We need to grasp the concept of DynamiX 2005 properly, and begin the planning process. I'll come prepared with the list of issues that have to be discussed, so that we can conclude the meeting efficiently and fast. I understand that some have problems with school-bus timing. Each one who attends the meeting will get atleast one department. Then we will assign each department the job to do their stuff for DynamiX. This is one of the most important meetings before the event, the meeting where it all starts. This will be a technical meeting, not an organizational meeting. I understand that the attendance at this blog is poor, so who can inform who all? I need:
Roshan, Ayush, Rahul Seth, Som, Ankur, Harsha, Rachit, Ankit Madan, Benjamin, Sanchit, Siddharth & Uma to attend definately. The meeting will be held no matter who all attend. If nobody comes, I'll sit alone and think and plan. ;-)
Imagine Cup 2006
Imagine Cup 2006 in India
Microsoft announced that
India has been selected as the venue for Imagine Cup 2006, an annual worldwide contest held by Microsoft to help students across the world showcase their software development skills.
In keeping with this, the theme for next year's contest is 'imagine a world where technology enables us to live healthier lives'.
The announcement was made at the Imagine Cup 2005 world finals that recently concluded in Japan. Over 16,000 students from 92 countries participated in the contest this year. Nearly 6,000 students participated from India, making it the country with the second highest entries worldwide.
The contest includes nine "open" categories such as Software Design, Technology Business plan and Rendering, and three special categories created only for school students.