Tuesday, March 29, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia


The funshop was more like a Gaming Tournament. Awesome is one word for it. We decided to do a (last year's) 9th vs (last year's) 11th team deathmatch. 3 Team DMs.. great. The 11thies included Me, Roshan, Som the Great, Harsha and Ankit Bhalla. We were heavily outnumbered, with something like 8-9 ninthies.. not really heavily outnumbered, but outnumbered all the same. But that wasn't to make much of a difference. The game was Unreal Tournament 2003. The first DM was the map DM-Antalus, and it was a washout for 9th class, since many of them were playing UT for the first time in their lives. But a couple of them like Sanchit, Animesh, and Anirudh made their mark in the first game. Due to lack of computers, regulars to the workshops were given preference in allocation of computers. :-) But essentially, the 9thies were throughly dis-organized, each fighting to survive and never once went on an organized offensive. That gamer of the match was Roshan I think. The second game was even worse for the 9thies. They were completely wiped out and the second DM ended with scores something like 252 to 147 or similar. So we won heavily there, and that game saw Benjamin joining the ranks of 9thies and distinguishing himself. But they again suffered from lack of organization. Mostly the strategy (nobody planned it. it was just telepathically agreed upon by us) was that we would pick on each one and separate them from the rest, and finish off them one by one. We 11thies never needed to get really organized as each one was definately better skilled than any of the 9thy.

The real game, the real challenge, came in the 3rd DM. I still don't know what happened, but somehow it seemed like something had come into them, and they all started to act together, and all began to move together in groups. It became very difficult, since they went around in groups of nearly 6-7 around the map, each covering the other's back. And they went on an offensive. We (I confess) really had a tough time holding them back. Personally, I was as usual jumping and blasting around the map, and whenever I ran into them (which was a very regular thing), I engaged in a very very heated battle which was missing in the first two games. Like all of them combined together to launch every weapon they had on me while I was barely managing to escape them. Thankfully I had the sense to switch to rocket launcher at those times, and the alternate fire usually took out nearly 2-3/4 of them before finally I was conquered. That was a humbling experience. It was there that we all needed to finally get a little organized, with each one coming to the other's rescue if he was in battle, and that made things a little better, since for the first time, the 9thies were threatening our lead. At the lowest point in the game, our lead had dropped to just 35-40 points. Somehow we managed to fight harder, and it took all our skills to push them back, and we won the game with about 60 lead. Correct me if I'm wrong about the final lead. My eyes were watering and I was dead tired at the end of that game, and all I managed to see was that I was the leader in the game with umm.. I think 70 odd points. I am really impressed by this, and am contemplating a team-based tournament for different classes once school starts.

The last game before the end was a Capture the Flag game. Again 9th vs 11th. This game also proved that the last game was no lucky chance or fluke for the 9thies, since their team-work showed again and they managed to do a pretty good job at the game. The game was also a place where we 11thies finally got really organized and fought well. It was like a perfect team. Ankit Bhalla did good defending and stuck to the base till death, and Harsha was excellent in his cover-provision job by hanging around on the route back from the enemy base to help us when we brought the flag. Som was lethal with his sniper job, and he was like the overlord, hanging high in the skies taking down unsuspecting 9thies who were chasing us as we got the flag, or were attacking our base. And me and Roshan took turns in attacking the enemy base. I think I got around 5-6 flags home. It was a perfect pair, with either of us giving cover to each other. If Roshan went in, I went on the exact path followed by him and acted like a confusing-agent, confusing the 9thies who instead started firing at me, while Roshan managed to safely carry the flag out of the base, and I ran backwards taking out anyone who was following us, all the while being covered by Harsha the Guard, and Som the Overlord. A note of appreciation must be given to Benjamin for acting like an excellent sniper for 9th, though he still has to have more practise to get the finer details of the game, like crouching while sniping, and listening to sound around him. I believe Som teleported behind him quietly, and went just behind him while he was still sniping someone and BAM! that was the end of good ol' Ben. :-) Animesh and Sanchit and Anirudh showed excellent arena-instincts, like the description of an Unreal's character, Gorge, "Took to the arena like fish out of water". :-D

It was great. Simply great playing and I'm looking forward to longer matches.

Saturday, March 26, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

The HitchHiker's Guide To The GALAXY - The Movie

Don't Panic.
The Movie version of H2G2 will hit the theaters on April 29, 2005. I saw the trailer yesterday on Headlines Today, and I think the movie is going to be awesome.

Screenplay: Douglas Adams
Director: Garth Jennings
Arthur Dent : Martin Freeman
Ford Prefect : Mos Def
Marvin (Voice) : Alan Rickman
Official Movie Website: http://hitchhikers.movies.go.com

Friday, March 25, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Happy Holi!

Wishing you all a Happy Holi! Lets hope that our exam results are good, and that the club finally kicks off great, that we get our new lab, and have the new syllabus in place, and that Tech-Ed works! And finally, again, umm... nothing. Happy Holi!

Saturday, March 19, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia


While searching the web a few minutes ago, I stumbled upon a site, which led me to AmazType; and when I typed "Jurassic Park" it took me to a new page, where is created the words "Jurassic Park" using the covers of all the Jurassic Park books.

Click here to go to the page where the image is built.

Friday, March 18, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia


OK guys, after 2 successful workshops, I think I must break my silence. I must thank Benjamin a lot for helping us out in getting all those guys to attend. The Digital music on 17th was fun, only that I ended with a dead throat due to all that shouting over the din and noise created by all. Thankfully, by the end of it, the ppl were mostly in control with their speakers, and I already have seen and kept in mind a couple of talented guys. We really shud get some headphones. So the guys learnt the most basic software you can look at, FruityLoops.

The second day, i.e today, 18th March, was an excellent workshop by Roshan on Programming concepts and basic C++. He started off really well and his method of explanation was excellent. He covered in brief right from the most elementary i.e processor-based calculations to how it is simplified furthur and furthur to reach high level programming, so that ppl actually knew WHY they're writing this and where it goes. Some of the 11thies like Aman etc were really upset since what they had done in 11th, was not the same as what was done here. Like they had learnt cout<< "fdfd"; while what we taught all was std::cout<"fdd"; This is the thing. We're teaching all the latest stuff, and the modern C++ syntax. So it was an eye-opener for the 11thies too, and I'm not happy with the poor 11th turnout. But I'd still prefer, if i have to choose, a strong attendance from 9th, since we're targeting them mainly. Next we have an HTML+CSS workshop on 22nd, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM by Me. I will expose again, as was in today's C++ case, to all that what we've learnt in 10th, in HTML, is mostly all old deprecated stuff. Phased out, ancient, inflexible things, I will teach all the actual modern coding practices, and the importance and use of stylesheets by provinding enough convincing examples of CSS. So it will be interesting if you attend it.

Somewhat final schedule for the next few w/s:
March 22, 12:00 to 2:00 PM: HTML+CSS - Shashank
March 23, 12:00 to 2:00 PM: Visual Basic - Shashank

Ahead of this, I am not sure. I'll post it tomorrow. The thing is that we have new things cropping up in our lives all the time, which makes this schedule very volatile. Not permanant. Can't help it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Final Workshop Schedule

  • 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM, March 17 - Digital Music by Shashank Shekhar
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, March 18 - C++ Basics by Roshan Shariff
  • 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM, March 21 - Visual Basic Basics by Shashank Shekhar
  • 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM, March 22 - Photoshop Basics by Roshan & Ayush
  • 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM, March 24 - FrontPage and HTML by Ayush Gupta & Shashank Shekhar
  • 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM, March 26 - Fun Workshop by Roshan & Shashank & Som (Includes creating movies.. we'll shoot a movie with the handicam and everyone will learn how to edit it digitally, and of course, the almighty Gaming Tournament. The DynamiX-level FragFest :-D... and other fun stuff)

Grr.. I was just informed that I have a BT class today. Damn! They said in their letter that it is from 19th.

A note to juniors

I thought there was one issue that had long to be addressed, and now that juniors are coming to the blog too, here it is:

Message originally emailed to Benjamin Cherian:
One special Note I wish to say: I really do not like the way you all
treat Uma. Whatever and however she is, is what i'm least interested in. As your senior, I foresee problems with the attitude of the new members. Whatever you do outside the clan is none of my business, but what you do within the clan is definately my concern. I was very coolly informed by one Mr. Ankit Dhotrekar that nobody speaks to Uma, and I got the message from the manner he said that: Forget her. She has talent in graphics, and personal relationships/dislikes do not come into concern when you look in the perspective of the clan. This kind of behavior will lead to weakening of the club from within. We cannot permit that since the club is still in its infancy. Has she been informed about the workshops? I had told you to tell her that. In the clan, no one is allowed to act in a manner clouded by personal emotions. If its in the well-being of the clan that Uma is allowed to explore her artistic talent, so be it. No one is permitted to purposely or sub-consiously deprive her or anyone of oppurtunities. This has to be made clear. The most basic requirement for joining the clan is: Dedication to it, and always working for its well-being. Whether you like it or not, the way we're going, I foresee the clan's collapse in 2 years. Whatever you do. It will collapse if you all remain insincere like this. I am not refering to Ben, he's working hard. I mean the junior classes generally. This workshop is also a gauge of how sincere you will be in the coming days. I'm just 2 or 2 1/2 years elder to most of you, so I will not advise you. I am telling you all of the basic rules of conduct. This is important not just here, but in your future careers too.

Monday, March 14, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Something interesting

Hey guys, just stumbled on this. Its quite an interesting picture.. it tells you really what you're using. Try it in different browsers..


DynamiX notes

This is a serious plea for help from a serious music addict to all you wizkids. I got nearly 300 songs(yah! It is a big number - they are all English pop, rock or classics) yesterday from a close friend of mine to whom I had almost begged for these songs for 2 weeks. But it seems luck was against me because when I tried to open those songs they had some strange M4A format instead of the usual MP3 format. The songs opened with neither winamp, windows media player nor realone player. So I am really in need of some suggestions from you guys. Also if you have any supporting software can you please try and bring it to school during the workshop days. please help me.

DynamiX notes

DynamiX notes

hi guys
I am blogging for the first time and am just testing to see whether this really works. so i am posting these lyrics just for all of you


I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played 'til my fingers bled
Was summer of '69

Me and some guys from school
Had a Band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I shualda known we'd never get far

Oh when I lock back now
That summer seemes to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life

Ain't no use in complainin'
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the drive in
And that's when I met you

Standin on a mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was no or never
Those were the best days of my life

(Chorus) Back in Summer of '69

Man we were killin' time
We were young and restless
We needed to unwind
I guess nothin' can last forever, forever, noooo

And now the times are changin'
Look at everything that's come and gone
Somethimes when I play that old six-string
I think about ya wonder what went wrong

Standin' on a mama's porch
You told me it would last forever
Oh the way you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
those were the best days of my life


It's Officially Over

I hereby Declare 14/03/05 as the Independance Day for all Ramjas Students and 30/03/05 as the next World War.


Thursday, March 10, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Tech Ed Website Layout

Here's the basic layout for the Tech-Ed Website. For those who are unaware of such a thing, here's a brief up.
Actually its the e-Version of the Monthly Technology Journal that we are planning to start from 1st April. It's like one of those "e-newspapers" that are being hyped these days, like Hindustan Time E-Paper, etc.
So, on this present page (the one I have uploaded here), the Latest News is given and as it is an IT Journal, it has different categories like for Computer Related news, news of the computer clans / symposiums, etc. When the user clicks on "News", these categories will appear just below and he can go to a particular section. Different Categories like articles, get
online, will have the same type, if necessary, ofcourse.
The comments of all the DynamiX Members who are reading this, are very important for further development in this matter.

PS: Those using FireFox, remember to expand the graphic after it has fully loaded.


Wednesday, March 09, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Its over!

Ah! The joy! The feeling! Its over finally! Our final exams. Yeah yeah, we still have a glorified time-pass called the computer examination left on 14th, but our *exams* are over. We have our workshops beginning from 17th March at 10:00 AM. Everyone please come on time because this is something we'll all enjoy. Benjamin Cherian of class 9.9 (almost 10th now) is doing a good job, getting juniors in. Now my chief concern is: Where the hell are we going to get so many computers?! Take a look at this: We're having a party of 11 9thies (Benjamin's army including him), and from 11th are: Som, Ayush, Ankit Madan, Ankit Bhalla, Aman Chauhan, Bhavna Tripathi, M. Harsha, Rahul Seth. Me & Roshan are not included since we'll be taking the workshops and mostly its we who are giving the gyan. B-) But since we are having the hands-on type workshops, where the guys are always sitting on their comps, we will need to have the trainer on one computer too, so that the others can see on their computers the screen of the trainer... remote desktoping. So that makes it: 11 + 8 = 19 plus 1 trainer. 20 computers? We only have 16 computers in the lab, and 15 work. 16th is never on LAN, and somehow its begun to work again. Even with an offnetwork thing, we have 16 computers. One guy who doesn't have network can see the trainer's comp on his partner's screen. But where do we get the mysterious 4? And we can't send back anyone now. And it will go against the principle of free & exploratory learning that we want to give, "I show you how its done", then you get there yourself. On the way you will come to know of many things on your own. That's how you should learn. But it looks like we HAVE to have some ppl sharing comps. Damn!

What say?

Tech-Ed WebSite Design

Here's an idea that I had for the online version of Tech-Ed. This is just the first page. We can use portions of Ayush's design for the print version to this. This was made since I was desperate for a change from studying for Chem. I hope I pass tomorrow. God bless us all. B-)

Sunday, March 06, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

109 on 500

Not bad, but Roshan didn't qualify in the first 50 to get to the next round. But a score of 109 in 500 across India is awesome! Shows that he's still the BEST programmer around town. Three Cheers for Roshan.

The questions are:
(as written by Roshan in the email)

1) There's a binary counter, which is mechanical. It's made up of n
bits, which it uses to store a number. Every time a bit changes, it
wears down a little. The counter counts from one number to another,
and you have to tell how many units of wear it undergoes (i.e. how
many bits change in total, throughout all the increments). I did this
one in about five minutes.

2) There's an 11x11 chessboard, which has some number of given rooks
and bishops, placed at given positions. The pieces move in their
normal ways. You have to return how many squares are controlled by the
pieces. A square is said to be controlled by a piece if that piece
could go there in the next move. You have to keep track of the fact
that pieces can't move through others. Did this one too, but was a
little delayed by a stupid mistake I made (comparing Strings using the
== operator rather than the .equals() method in Java) My Java
programming skills are getting rusty, haven't coded in quite a while.
I could have opted for C++, but I'm not quite familiar enough with the
Standard Template Library.

3) You are given an array of arbitrary numbers. You are allowed to
change some of the numbers to other arbitrary numbers. You have to
find the minimum number of changes that can be made to turn the array
into an arithmetic progression. This one was tricky. Took some time
getting my head around it, before settling on a quasi-brute-force
solution. My first try worked for all test cases except one. I
immediately figured out the problem, and was about 5 seconds short of
submitting my fixed code when time ran out.

Saturday, March 05, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Over 1000 visits on DynamiX Notes

It seems like everyone on this blog have completely overlooken the fact that the site counter at the bottom claims to have 1787 visitors by now...
and in this honour I have made this small banner, check it out here

+ = 007ayush = +

Friday, March 04, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

New Features in Gmail

As most of you must have already seen an option for "New Features!" has come to the right of your email address.


What's new on Gmail?

Just launched!

  • An easier way to send up to 10MB of photosGmail now works with Picasa, Google's free photo organizer. Use Picasa to easily find, edit and preview your photos. Log in to Gmail directly from Picasa and send the photos from your Gmail account. Picasa even automatically resizes your photos so they're easier to receive and open. Your friends without such large email accounts will thank you. Learn more
  • Not just any old computer. Actually, yes, any old computer!Basic HTML view lets you access your Gmail messages from almost any computer running almost any web browser, even old ones (not just IE5.5+, Mozilla, and Safari). Especially great for traveling, since you never know what kind of browser that internet café in Siberia is going to have. Learn more


Thursday, March 03, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX Website Updated

I have updated the DynamiX Website with a new feature. Check it out.

A new post has been added in Mr. GoodBytes, read it when you have time.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Roshan is in Google India Code Jam's next Round!

Originally mailed by Roshan Shariff:
I'm one of the 500 people to get past the first round of the Google India Code Jam 2005 (http://www.topcoder.com/gicj05) which was held on Sunday. The next round is on Saturday, the 5th of March. 50 people will get past that. I'll have to rush home from the exam for the Code Jam, which starts at 12:00. The fifty finalists will have to go to Bangalore for the last round.

Three cheers to Roshan!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Workshop Final

Since the respected teachers of our school decided to very generously hold extra classes for class XII, that is, for us (God! I feel old), from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM, 21st March onwards, we will have to work AFTER that time. Here is the proposed schedule for the workshops:

  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, March 17 - Digital Music by Shashank Shekhar
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, March 18 - C++ Basics by Roshan Shariff
  • 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM, March 21 - Visual Basic Basics by Shashank Shekhar
  • 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM, March 22 - Photoshop Basics by ??????????
  • 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM, March 24 - FrontPage and HTML by Shashank Shekhar or Ayush Gupta or Roshan Shariff
  • 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM, March 26 - Fun Workshop by ?????????? (Includes creating movies.. we'll shoot a movie with the handicam and everyone will learn how to edit it digitally, and of course, the almighty Gaming Tournament. The DynamiX-level FragFest :-D... sorry B-D [I wear spectacles] and other fun stuff)

I'm working on the junior guys thing. I've been going around and taking a look. So 10th March is the danger signal. If we don't get ppl by then we have to go on the offensive. The problem is Inertia. The juniors have to be made interested. Hopefully we won't have a lot of problem in 12th... can't spend too much time on that.

I need all to comment on this. Its essential that we hold this workshop.