Your Monitor's watching you!
Apple's new invention: A monitor that has a light-sensitive screen that can act like a camera. Thousands of image sensors are embedded inside the liquid crystals and all the images are stitched together by the software. Neat.
News Report
Dynamix-Notes on
Was just thinking about hosting this blog of ours on somewhere like, if its possible. I understand the linking/affiliates issues involved but I think it would look more professional then. What say?
(Siddharth Razdan)
Pending Changes.
As all of us might be aware that very recently our blog suffered an blogger outage and was given an outlook, it had 6 months ago. I was waiting for the other admins to correct that, but it seems that the task has not been performed upto the perfection. Therefore, I am stepping in to get back the blog to its original state.
Now, the reason why I am writing this post is that the other members should leave the pending changes(which I am missing out) as comments to this post as soon as possible. I'll do the rest.
A few of the "lost" points I could figure out are
- On this Day: Wikipedia
- MSM link
- Rest you tell me(I mean it)
(Siddharth Razdan)
1) A nice opportunity for us to try a new template. What say?
2) Uma, I wished you a happy birthday and you didn't even said "Thank You". That's rude :-)
Somehow I like the sound of that.. sounds like R2D2. Heh.
Any preliminary thoughts about the DX 2k6?
Let's talk about this over our email thread.. but this is just to get the ball rolling, so to say.
We've got to learn from our mistakes, so:
DX 2k5:Our first event ever, so was a bit chaotic and certain unforeseen things happened, crossword questions were not prepared in advance etc.
DX 2k5 Respawned:Being right in the middle of the rush all through, I think it went off just fine, not to the "Great Expectations" but it just went by fine. Only glaring issue was with the Quiz system. We tried to innovate with a challenge-based prelim rounds having 1-on-1 five minute rounds. The idea was nice and well planned, but when the time came, no team wanted to challenge. And when finally a few did challenge, all except 3 teams found the questions way above their league. And simple questions like identifying the Tux (mascot-thing of Linux) were real tough ones for them.
Another minor issue was that only 4 teams entered for programming as it was on RoboCode using Java, and despite our best assuarances, most teams got scared and didn't send any programmers.
Obviously now all the ground-level work will have to be done by you guys, we're well and out. Maybe we can help with questions etc..
Whatever format this event may take, let's keep in mind that DX events should always be innovative. If we are going to host Yet Another Run-of-the-Mill Event, then there's no point hosting it in the first place. But as we learnt from DX-Respawned, we need to keep reality in view and plan for all eventualities.
PS: (Just kidding) Sid, please don't delete this post claiming that other schools will read this post and get hold of confidential info. ;-)
Illutrator Summer Workshop
This idea has been in my mind for quite some time now.I have seen a general ignorance about Vector drawing applications like Illustrator among the members of our clan.So I'd like to conduct a workshop on Illustrator, preferably in may.There will be no fixed curriculum. To what depth I delve into the topic would depend on the response I get from the participants.Participation is the only problem I see right now.Pankaj sir felt that it should be made compulsory for
the dynamites and students from the Graphics and Animation club should be invited . But with the school closing in another day or two, it's to late to contact the Graphics Club and with the entrence exams going on I do not see a point in forcing anybody to come.I want genuinely intrested people to attend this workshop.
I request Siddarth and Tarun to contact any of their classmates/fellow dynamites who are intrested in graphics.I also ask the ex-core group and other dynamites to participate if they can . I will keep in mind the schedule of the entrence exams before I finalise a date.
I'd welcome any suggestions regarding this topic.
What's up?
Due to some un-avoidable reasons, I had to remain out from the online community for a few days, and now, when I am back, I can sense that there's something wrong out here, on our blog. Someone kindly explain what has happened earlier and the scenario now(without the non-sense that you can refer back to the previous posts and other blah-blah's).
Also, a very Happy Birthday to you Uma.
Note: When I'm through with the situation, anyone, I mean the admins, can remove this post.
Neatest. Hack. Ever!!
I challenge you to
look at
this and not marvel at the hidden beauty of the sublime language of Perl. This is
art beyond anything I could have imagined. Nay, it is beyond art. It is inexpressibly divine!
*wipes a tear from eye*
Sweet 16
In celebration of the Hubble Space Telescope's 16th anniversary in space, NASA and the European Space Agency have released a handful of new images from the project.
This image, of Messier 82, is the sharpest wide-angle view ever obtained of the starburst galaxy. New stars are born in M82 10 times faster than they are inside in the Milky Way Galaxy, but this rapid rate of star formation will eventually be self-limiting. When star formation becomes too vigorous, it will destroy the material needed to make more stars.
Googol, not Google.
Despite the fact that I assume most of you to be aware of "Googol" and how it differs from "Google"; I decided to devote a post to it, even though it did not fall under the category of "Current Tech News/Info". Googol refers to "10^100", i.e., 1 followed by a 100 zeros. It inspired Page and Sergery to name their company "Google".
Template issuess..
Sorry to jump over Roshan's nice post (Vista's nothing without its key features.. just a new WindowBlinds theme), but something's going wrong in this blog. Roshan and I both noticed something wrong in the blog template editor in the admin last night. It was only showing half the code and had one Google Analytics post inside the template, whereas the template does not contain any real posts.. just markup. So it appears to be a blogger outage, so please bear with some issues.
Roshan's reverted to an older template for now. I think along with just mentioning the changes in the template code, each admin should sign his/her changes with name and time+date of modification (Use Indian ST, but if possible use the IST to ensure standard time). Mention each and every change, and just paste the entire code into a txt document and save it in your computer. This will ensure that we will be able to track back to the problem in these kind of situations.
Once every admin's seen this post (comment by saying that you have), we can push this post down by changing the time and allow the real posts to come over. Don't delete this post.
The View from the Bottom
Paul Thurrott, of WinSuperSite fame,
confirms what many of us have realised for some time: Microsoft has let down its fans with Windows Vista.
This is especially surprising coming from Mr. Thurrott, if you've followed his past writings. Reading his review, I have lost whatever little interest I had in Vista
née Longhorn. Despite Microsoft's marketing, they'll find it difficult to exceed Windows XP, which in turn built upon the venerable Windows 2000. After Windows 98 and (the horror!) ME, Win2k came as a breath of fresh air.
However Microsoft's marketing team is good at, shall I say, elevating hype above the bounds of dreary reality; I shall not be surprised if Vista becomes a roaring success.
Think again if you're thinking of
pirating Windows Vista (not
necessarily a bad thing, eh
landlubber?) to try its oh-so-beeyootiful (!?!?) Aero-Glass interface.
Google Analytics. Name Says All.
3 Decades of Macintosh.
John Beresford John Beresford was a high school student in the late 1970s when his family went computer shopping. Their choices were limited to RadioShack's TRS 80 and a few other machines favored by the few Americans who were dabbling with computers at the time as a hobby. Beresford's family chose to buy an Apple II computer produced by Apple Computer, the now-famous company co-founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Apple is celebrating its 30th anniversary today, but Beresford thought back nearly three decades to his family's first computer purchase.