Wednesday, August 10, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX Clan Meeting

The recruits from the classes 10th, 11th, 12th were present (most of them, anyway). Members from 9th did not attand as they were busy in the Project Citizen workshop, or whatever it was.
Me and Rahul Seth discussed most of the points given by Shashank. We told them about how the previous DynamiX 2005 was organized. We told them about the various events we will be holding, and how last time, we (only a small number of students) organized the whole event, and though there were some screw-ups, we still made it a success. It turns out that none of the present recruits have ever been to any computer symposium. I have asked them to find about in their classes about those who have and bring them in the next meeting, as and when called.
We discussed the approach of making different departments in the clan, and told them briefly what each dpt. is supposed to do. Like, the Gaming Department should make sure that FragFest is held every year (I still don't know when those "5 days of FragFest" are going to finish). Many recruits were making queries about FF. The Programming dpt. will hold a Logic Test to identify programmers. This Logic Test will be for classes 8th - 11th.
I told them about the importance of H2G2. Most of them had never heard about "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy". We told them how many questions from that particular book come in various computer symposium Quiz, and that budding Quizzers should see the movie or read the book. The Quiz dpt. should persuade the school to get a copy of H2G2 Movie.
The rest will be discussed in the next meeting.


At 8:47 AM, August 10, 2005, Blogger methead said...

Well, sorry to intrude your, umm, meeting, but I just wanted to urge you guys to please register at the Alchemy forums. We can discuss things related to computers or studies in general.

Thank you,


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