India Competitions

OK, here's a site that is very original in concept, and is one that is supported by DynamiX. Its just started up, and our's is the first clan that it has approached. The deal is that it is the one-stop destination to find out all the computer competitions and symposiums across (presently) Delhi.. and later India. Obviously, it has to build up an information network, and its source is from the students. We're presently supporting the site, and I would request all the members of the clan to sign up there, and help the site by acting as information sources, and discussing there to keep the site alive during its initial stages. Once more clans join up (we're in discussions with others) the site'll be more active and alive. Please support this site, as its an innovative idea by a Student of Class X. But the site is very professional.
Here's the link:
nice, but u forgot to post up the link.
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