OK, here are the proposed departments:
- Programming
- Web Designing
- Quiz + Crossword
- Gaming
- GD
- Digital Graphics
To encourage each dept to function, we will have a sort of half-yearly review of all the departments, and the dept with the most activities (measured in discreet numbers. Each event such as a workshop/competition is rated with numbers.. and the participation size also makes a difference) is declared the "Lords of the Code". I will publish a quantified system of points-distribution pretty soon. Activities may be like Workshops for students, competitions, tests, seminars, guest lectures etc. The competition is a friendly one, in a healthy sense. The idea is to improve the general performance inside the clan rather than create Blah vs Blah scenarios. Inside the depts, there will be one team-leader, who shall be the wise-old boy/girl in the respective field. Each dept shall submit a report of their activities on the blog or in writing to the DynamiX clan.
If this is fine with you all, I will go ahead and begin discussions with Principal ma'am on Tuesday. Comments please.
Shashank your ideas are great , i must confess .
Thanks. What dept have you chosen?
I have chosen the Programming department . I know C++ .
Although I dont know web designing , but yes i can do some HTML coding and have a fair knowledge of Dreamweaver and Front Page . So , i think if I join the web designing dept also will there be any harm in it ?
No harm I assure you! Only that DynamiX has decided to harness your programming talents, but you're free to learn anything you wish to.
So , Programming and web-designing is my final choice as departments.
you say that the various groups would report to the core commitee and seek their advice or help or assistance or whatever.but i think you ought to tell them which member they should talk to for the various tasks.for example if the guys/gals of the gaming group come to ask for my assistance i wouldn't be able to give them any great help but if the digital imaging,GD and maybe even quizzing guys/gals come to me i would be able to give them the guidance or assistance they want.i think you should clear this to simplify things at the very beginning.also the kids should be selected into the groups not just by their preferances but also by what they are best at.they should show some piece of their work to concerened members of the core commitee.this way we will be able to select the group leader of each group.
btw i am reding the h2g2 right now.i don't know about the quizzing part yet but i would like to recommend the book to any carbon based life form who wants to enjoy a good read:-)
Uma sahi bolti hai . Work on her advice Shashank .
how about a digital music dept.?
Regarding Uma's first comment, when I said that the various depts report to the core committee and seek advice, I meant that literally. Let us try to understand what the core committee is actually. It is the group of 6-8 people, who are the most skilled of the clan, and are the decision making body of the clan. Now, isn't it understandable that the leader of, say, the WebD dept WILL be the core committee member? OK, if not, I propose that the team-leader of each dept is also a core committee member. And, supposing there are other people in the clan who are good at WebD, won't they be in the WebD dept in the first place? :-) So barring exceptions, I do not expect technical WebD related problems put before core committee and so on. The core committee does not consist of different people. Each member of the clan HAS to choose atleast one dept.
So I predict that most of the consultancy that the core committee does for the depts shall be management related/organizational/small-tech/idea-based/project approval.
As for a digital music, sure! I'd be the first one to welcome it. But do we have enough students for it? And the infrastructure to support it? Mere software won't be enough for a proper digital music thing. We can start an experimental dept which is just software-based once our main depts are set, and then ask if we can get some digital music equipment & a trainer, so that we start a digital music lab for all students of the school, like an elective (selected extra-subject). We won't teach, there'll be a trainer. This is Principal ma'am's idea. She'll still be enthu about it if we setup the foundation.
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