Friday, June 10, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia


Well, I have got a Sega Dreamcast before, and I was shocked to hear that its company has come to its end. The Dreamcast was very good, until now, and it deserves to be kept going up. I don't think that it can't stand with Sony Playstation2. Although it has gone down, I always think that it's one of the best console, even if GameCube and XBox have been out, it still has a favourite position in my mind. To begin and continue my favourite games : Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy series and so on, I have used my saving to afford the Playstation2. It's a sadness for me to leave Resident Evil series by NOT buying GameCube, because I can play no other GameCube games beside it, and it's a waste of money if I just buy it for one game. Playstation2 is pretty good, too. And I'm not disappointed about it, although it partly has defeated my Dreamcast.
Shape 10/10

Well, black color, blue label : I like this style of shape pattern. It looks modern and great, not seems kidding and outlandish like the Sega Dreamcast. It is made into ''rectangle cube'', which is convenient and suitable for a game console. I don't like the full box shape like GameCube and its violet colour. Just like the Dreamcast, it looks kidding and so colourful for a hardware. Maybe the Playstation2 is just after XBox about shape and figure. I confirm that the XBox looks very great. But now I own Playstation2, so it's still the best.
General 9/10 Play DVDs and VCDs, made of 128-bit CPU + 32MB memory size... Not bad compared to my freak PC. I'm not a knowledgeable person of hardwares inside, so I can only say what I enjoy in process of playing PS2 games. The graphic is clean and good mesh. The sound is lively and real. Just like I played Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore, I can't bear the great sound and must reduce the volume. The screen of the game on Playstation2 is so beautiful and sharp drawing. Okay, I'll analyze each point soon :
Sound 10/10 When you have the Analog Control Pad, you'll be startled after each punch and kick of the characters. Both the Analog and the lively show startle you. If not, try playing without the Analog, and turn standard volume. That's so enough. In Devil May Cry, the sound and music background are very stable and well-running. I have played some games on weaker platforms before, facing the same trouble is that the sound and background music affect each other, as the platform can't read datas well enough to moderate them. PS2 has fixed that mistake, and then I can enjoy great games, like Dead or Alive 2 and Devil May Cry. In the future there will be more games. I'll see if the PS2 is really worth as I expected.
Graphic 9/10 When playing Devil May Cry, the graphic looks very real and stable. It does not stop while the scenes are changed. And the speed is nice enough to enjoy this interesting sword-slashing game. I hate that kind of the game, but maybe Devil May Cry is my first favourite. The former consoles are not often cared about graphic quality, so then I met a lot of troubles while playing those fast-action games similar to Devil My Cry, like Fear Effect series or Nightmare Creature : It's not stable, the polygons are not clear so that sometimes I couldn't determine where my enemies are. I couldn't even control my character : the hit sequences are pretty fast, while the graphic is not clear. Then I don't know what I do (?) But when playing DMC on Playstation2, I begin to feel safe about action games, and I have got enough confidence to try myself on Onimusha series. Indeed, it does not disappoint me. Generally, I also have a conclusion : Maybe the PS2 graphic is in fact better than Dreamcast. But when I play RE Code Veronica for Dreamcast and RE Code Veronica X for PS2, I don't think that they are much different. Maybe I must say, the Dreamcast graphic of this game is cleaner and clearer than PS2. About RE Code Veronica X for PS2, I don't know if it's because of the fog, or because of the console, or because the author wants. Games 10/10 No need to say : Dead or Alive 2, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid 2, Silent Hill 2, Onimusha, etc. They are all great and famous games. They are all made for PS2, as the long-time greatest Final Fantasy is exclusive and going to be remade. Besides those so-big guys, you can have some other pretty nice games such as Tekken, Xenogear 2, Legend of Legaia 2 and so on. I'm not sure about the future, but currently, many great games which are also my favourite have been made for PS2. GameCube also has some which I know : Super Smash Bros Melee, Mario series, Resident Evil series. XBox has Dead or Alive 3, Genma Onimusha and Dino Crisis 3. Currently, the games for PS2 are so enough for me to play next. Now I don't want to care about the future of console war, for it can not only be so happy, but also be so ruthless.
Discs 10/10 That's not all of the Sony Playstation 2. Now if you don't have a PSX, purchase this. You can play DVDs and VCDs of both, and even copied discs if you mod your PS2. In my area, the cost of modifying is pretty big, but once you mod it, you can play every game of PSX and PS2, without worrying about Japanese or American discs, original or copied discs. About games, no need to tell more, PSX has tons of good games, as it has been the best console for a long time. It's a good idea okay ? Memory Cards 10/10 Each memory card of PS2 can contain 8MB datas. Wow, it's not small. For me, it's so enough to enjoy my gaming life. Another thing is that when you play PSX games, you can input the PSX cards into the PS2. It all reads. So convenient right ?
Control Pads 10/10 About this, I must think that Sony is the best in designing the most convenient control. I have tried the Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, and some of my friends' consoles, and I conclude that Sony Playstation control pads (PSX and PS2) are easiest to use but full. I can use it to play every genres of game, every types of actions. Don't you think so ? Features and Price 9/10 Many people think that the cost $300 is so big, maybe because they just afford the console for themselves only. About me, since I buy the PS2, all family members get benefit : I can play PSX and PS2 games freely, my parents can watch films by both types of discs. So then you can't say that cost is so expensive. Then XBox's price is mostly equal, but it can only be used to play games, and many magazines and specialists have said that it can't replace a PC or anything. The GameCube and Sega Dreamcast are cheap, yes, just $200 and about $150, but they are made for playing games only. About me, I review a thing depending much on its quality and functions. Then I think the PS2 is not as bad as some players think. Final Conclusion Many other consoles have been out, and the console war is still happening anytime and anywhere. It's not easy for the Sega Dreamcast, or the Sony Playstation 2 to stand on their own. It's so ruthless when your console is knocked out, but you may have no idea about that. So then just love a console by your real opinions. When you see it the best, it'll always be nice , like I do with my Dreamcast. About general, I think that in fact, the PS2 is good enough to fight with others, and get its real position. So then my final conclusion can be ''It's also good.''
Shape 10/10 General 9/10 Sound 10/10 Graphic 9/10 Games 10/10 Discs 10/10 Memory Cards 10/10 Control Pads 10/10 Features and Price 9/10 Overall Score : 10/10
About getting it or not, it also depends much on what is the type of your favourite games. Besides, if you just want to buy for gaming only, GameCube and XBox may be some of your choices too.


At 8:59 AM, June 10, 2005, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

Shorten it down, and give a link to the full story.

At 10:25 AM, June 10, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Pretty cool. Though if someone gives me the *stuff*, I'll go purchase the PS3, or the PSP. There is a very interesting programme on Ten Sports called or something that I watch occasionally. They showcased games on PS3 and stuff, and it was amazing. Really.

At 10:26 AM, June 10, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Oh as for shortening, forget about it. No big deal as no ones posting here much anyway.. everyone including me are to blame. Ayush's been doing some work out here, and I for one will give him company again. Others?


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