Sony PlayStation III

The configuration and the specs are more than up to the level of current PCs and the fact that the onboard graphic engine, the RSX, it should be more powerful than two SLIed Geforce 6800 Ultra speaks volume about the POWER inside the PS3....
Boy do I want to get my hands on one of these, or the X-Box 360. Imagine playing UT2k4 or Doom III on full scale graphics. :-)
toi said that therte is only one computer in india which is more powerful than 2001 there were only 3 computers in the whole world anywhere near this one!!!forget the crays the new ps3 is here.
yeah...and xbox 360 can go bury itself in sand.
Oh Boy, I read the reviews yesterday and I was it the start of Supercomputers at home or wht??
Had to drop plans for sony psp...
Supercomputers will never enter the home. This is because *Super-computers* are definatively the systems beyond homes, offices and normal research labs. The modern day low-end PCs would be like super-super-super computers to the original IBM PC.. the first that ever came out (in 1981 I think). Cray is what mainframes were at one time. So PS3s and XBOX 360s are the yester-years' *Super-computers* invading the average households. Its natural. But it sure is exciting. :-) Gamers never had it this good!
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