Thursday, May 12, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX 2005 ermm.. Reloaded

Funny name, yet it is time that we began to start discussing and working on our second event, which I hope shall be successful.. better than last time at least. I had shot off a mail to a couple of people regarding the event plan, and it is to be kept in utmost secrecy. The plan is a rather new one since I've never heard of any computer events being wrapped in such a wrapper. Roshan was my early fellow-conspirator, and we've had a long discussion on it around Final exams' time. So I would request all the respective departments to put on the thinking cap. People who had handled departments such as Crossword, Quiz and stuff are welcome to handle them again. Since we do have a lot of time, as it'll be best to aim for around first week of August or last week of July as the oppurtune time, we can afford to put more responsibility on the new members.

Since I do not have Sanchit's email, I had hoped that the message would reach through Benjamin. And now would also be a great time to give the students a taste of competition, by organizing an Intra-school event, not neccesarily for Gaming (FragFest), but covering other areas too. How about first week of June? What do you have to say. I would also like the newcomers to lend their opinion finally on some important topic.. can't blame them since the blog has been lying cold for some time.

As for TechEd, the online edition shall be online in a couple of days.. atleast the test versions.

And I would like to officially welcome Sanchit to the blog.

PS: Nobody discusses the details of the event or the event plan on the blog. Small details like schedule etc are fine, but not the event. Even schedule could give it all away.. the blog is a public place. I will look for a private place to discuss if neccessary.


At 4:13 PM, May 12, 2005, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

is the name going to be "DynamiX 2005 Reloaded"? final? If so, I can start working on the graphics.

At 10:24 PM, May 12, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

I didn't say that. I don't even think this is a good name. Just work on graphics with DynamiX 2005 Reloaded, since we cannot have it just Dyn 2005. It's already happened. If you include Reloaded, for that matter even DynamiX 2005 AyushGupta would do since it will reserve some space for future changes. You'll have the main files with you anyway, so you can edit it later.

What's your suggestion to the name? We can discuss the name on the blog.

At 3:40 AM, May 13, 2005, Blogger Roshan Shariff said...

For a computer event, I would think the most obvious would be Dynamix 2005 v2.0

At 10:19 AM, May 13, 2005, Blogger Uma Damle said...

i think this name is excellent. it has a ring to it. the problem is that you obviously took the name from matrix and after a year you or lets say the next dyn will run out of names. what will you call the next one revolutions? it would seem so awkward if the 4th fest is named continued or something.

At 1:20 AM, May 15, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Wow! Roshan's first post ever. Yes, I agree with both Uma & Roshan. As I told Ayush, my aim here is to get the things ready. Names et al come later. v2.0 is good, but lets think of some more. I think we get a mailing list for private discussion ready as suggested by Roshan over the phone. What a mailing list is can be found here:

Yeah Som, that's the doubt that is troubling me. I think the main reason for the intra is to have a dry-run of the main inter event. So obviously the intra comes before inter. Can someone think of the story for the intra, whenever we do it?

At 2:49 AM, May 15, 2005, Blogger Sanchit Gulati said...

My id is


At 7:17 AM, May 15, 2005, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

How about: DynamiX 2005 Respawned.
uma, for other dynamix symposia, names like DynamiX 200n (where n is the year) can be used. as this is the second dy symp in one year, we are using dy 2005 ****.


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