DynamiX-Discuss is live!
Well everybody, this is my first post here, and I hope it's useful. :-)
We have an alternative to the blog now for private intra-club communications. I've created the dynamix-discuss mailing list on the school server. For those of you new to the concept, a mailing list is a piece of software that runs on the server and keeps track of a list of email addresses. Whenever it receives a message, it forwards it to all its members. We've got this particular list set up so that requests to join the list have to be approved by an administrator (me) before taking effect, so we can restrict participation to DynamiX club members. You can send a message to the mailing list, and reasonably expect that only club members can read it.
The rest of this blog post contains details for joining and using the mailing list, so read it carefully. I'll be writing email addresses as user 'at' domain.com to thwart spambots, so replace 'at' with the @ symbol.
First, to subscribe to the list, send an email with the body:
subscribe dynamix-discussto the email address majordomo 'at' ramjasrkp.com. Remember to send the message as plain text with no fancy formatting (you know who you are ;-) After your request is approved, you will receive a message welcoming you to the mailing list. Read it carefully and keep it for future reference.
After that, you can send email to the users of the mailing list by addressing it to dynamix-discuss 'at' ramjasrkp.com. Majordomo (the mailing list software), is quite fast so everybody will probably get the message in a few seconds. All messages received through the list will have [dynamix-discuss] at the beginning of the subject line.
Now something to be careful of: if you reply to a message you got through the list, you will be replying only to the person who sent the message. If you want to reply to the whole list, send your message to the aforementioned dynamix-discuss 'at' ramjasrkp.com address.
And finally, if you want to unsubscribe (traitor!!) send a message with the body
unsubscribe dynamix-discussto majordomo 'at' ramjasrkp.com.
That's all there is to it. Since this is new and untested, expect some minor glitches in the beginning. The more you use the mailing list, the faster they'll be sorted out. So have at it!
Here I am. I subscribed, and since very thoughfully Roshan has disabled public access to the list of members who have joined in due to security reasons, I request all those who subscribe to put a comment to this post notifying of their deed.
We can all then discuss privately the secrets from the comfort of our e-mail inboxes. Publicly open matters such as TechEd (on the net its open. We were not going to spoon-feed anyone with ideas in that seminar) and most of our business shall be left for this blog. Matters requiring secrecy goes to the ML.
i have sent the mail. now waiting for the conformation.
Since they haven't commented here, I'm just writing to say that Sanchit Gulati and Somsubhro Chaudhuri have also subscribed to dynamix-discuss. Sanchit a few days ago and Somsubhro a few hours ago. The existing members are Shashank Shekhar, Ayush Gupta, and myself, Roshan Shariff.
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