Saturday, May 07, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Online UT anyone?

Anyone game for an online UT match? Since its not really easy to get a school workshop organized just for gaming. Who all are on dial-ups?

I'm game for it.. just as soon as I replace the batteries of my mouse. Quite low really.

But, I don't know if it can be done so easily. Tell me, how many people can each one of you contact if we are to announce & organize FragFest during the vacations? FragFest and a couple of other intra-school events.


At 10:30 PM, May 07, 2005, Blogger Sanchit Gulati said...

Hello don't be proud of your internet connection and your little rat like mouse.

Sorry but your plan will not work.


At 10:44 PM, May 07, 2005, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

damn, my version of UT2003Demo doesn't allow online play.
i installed the demo version few days ago, and am quite happy to announce that i got "GODLIKE" and "WICKED SICK" yesterday.
and, sanchit, dude, you don't have to yell the "I WANT A RE MATCH" thing here again and again coz it won't help, we don't have the power to stomp up to the school gate and tell them that we wanna play UT coz a pissed off junior kid wants to show the seniors that he can also handle a virtual gun for more than 5 minutes without killing himself, so open sesame!
you should rather talk to Pandey Sir about it.
and, shashank, good luck with your mouse.

At 12:30 AM, May 08, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Mr. Sanchit Gulati, this online UT idea was for a re anyway, so if you can stop acting like a person who has drunk *bhaang* (makes you repeat the same thing again and again) and read carefully, you'll begin to see the world for once.

As for my mouse, of course, its a rat. Its Black, fat, a protuding snout-like design, and that's why its a mouse. :-) Only that it doesn't have a tail (wireless). Why don't you post something of sense for once Sanchit? I think someone posted something berating Uma for posting nonsense. We're yet to hear something that is sane, non-insulting, IT-related and interesting from you. Wonder what words of wisdom shall pour out of your keyboard.

At 8:06 AM, May 08, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

OK now this is getting a bit too much. Som, no offense intended, but please do not attack anyone at every instance. Sanchit was just having a bit of fun with me; if he was so bad, he wouldn't have been brought into Dyn by me. I replied by keeping in the polite-limits, and I really enjoy being in the line of fire just like Salamanders like to bask in the fire. I've always been a punching bag and don't mind it a bit. So please do not attack anyone unless you are challenged directly, and I appreciate you defending me... thanks but no thanks.

And getting back to the point, I'm surprised that we've had 4 comments, and the main point of the post, about a mid-vacation FragFest was never commented upon. It looks like this is just a frag/word party going on here. I just can't help noticing that the FragFest part of the post makes it clear just how much commited I am to a re-match. I do not want to brag about anything, but just for information, FragFest was an idea initially given birth to by me. So definately I would like to have Gaming events.

To the new blog members, I would like you all to just see the Jan 2k5 archives for posts related to FF.
I would like the ideas of the new members on it.

At 10:49 AM, May 12, 2005, Blogger Uma Damle said...

incidentally som there is a mouse that does not look like a rat. i saw it in the tech column of some magazine a few months ago that there is a mouse that has been designed more like a bean than
the normal mouse designs. it is long with a slightly curved middle and a scroll roll and can use it like a normal mouse.i have no idea about who designed it, which company it is patented to,and as for the price i don't think they have put one on it it is highly unlikly that sanchit would have one (so you are probably right in telling him to get his eyesight and tongue oops fingers checked)
i will refrain from commenting on the blogs posted by sanchit. if i do i will be stuck here forever


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