Monday, January 31, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX 2005 Pictures up on the site

You can check out the photos from the symposium at:

- Your Friendly Nieghbourhood Website-Man.

Monday, January 24, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Re-Modified FF 2005 Banner

Check this out:

Previous one:

Very bored

Hmm.. gets really boring. This displays the lack of penetration of internet amongst the students. Why don't more students get to know of our blog? Why don't we actively promote the DynamiX clan now? Why are we all feeling sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppy? yawn!

We need a fresh start. yaaaawn!

G'nite (for me. the time right now is 3:39 PM and 61 seconds so its 3:40 and 1 second.. and as i write its 5 seconds and now i have to type faster as it is getting to become 3:41 and some more seconds and .. ) done. I quit racing with time. Please don't kill me!! I don't wear digital watches. I don't want to want any watches. Help!

PS: I just posted this because I was feeling very depressed about 0 posts since 4 days. Hehe. but I am sleepy (g'nite... and no more counting of seconds :-D)

Thursday, January 20, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Frag Fest 2005 Banner


Sunday, January 16, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

FragFest Logo

How about this?

Click here to see the logo

Achievements Page

My idea for the Achievements Page on DynamiX's site is that we will photograph the trophies (on the table in Principal's room) and put it on the site. And under neath it we can name the various competitions and events.
This will be a good change from the usual dull list. So, what do you think about it?

Saturday, January 15, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

System Requirements

System Requirements:

1) 2 Junior Programming Teams
2) 2 Senior Programming Teams
3) 3 Graphics Designers
4) 2-3 Gamers
5) 2 Teams (2 People per Team) Web Designers
6) 2 Teams Senior Quizzers & Crossword
7) 2 Teams Junior Quizzers & Crossword
8) and more..

suggest names or any other categories I have missed in the comments


Thursday, January 13, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Alumni network group

Hi All

I am Anshuman Ghosh, year 2000 passout from Ramjas School , RKP.

I would like to inform u all that we have a big,strong and fast growing Ramjas egroup for all batches...

To subscribe : send a mail to

Group Page :

Group email address :

Your Job : get as many members as u can. Send them the link to subscribe ( or pass their email addresses to me.

As of now, we r about 85 members .... it will be highly appreciated if u all can join in too.

Thanks and regards,

Anshuman Ghosh

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Lot of Alumni Coming in

Off late, ever since we got our site up and running, we've been (atleast i've been) getting a lot lot of mails from Alumni. Of course, its cool to see that something like Dyn is going on hard and fast, and this is really good. Mr. Deepak Gupta and Mr. Anshuman Ghosh contacted me today and I got an invitation to join the Ramjas RKP Yahoo Group. ( ) And they've already joined our blog. So it really sounds great that we're getting so much attention. Go on DynamiX!

FragFest Picking Up

Yeah, FF is really getting good reviews among the students. Who doesn't like to play games? :-) Even a person like Roshan .. ermm. *likes* Unreal. No offense. hehe

Yeah, so I talked to a couple of guys at school as to what they'd think of a free-for-all, gun-decides event. And they loved it. Here are the most prominent of the questions that were asked of me. Oh first, here's a rough schedule:

Now for the questions:

1) When? Please don't make it clash with any tests etc.
2) What games?
3) Can I bring my own comp?

There were a lot of other questions, but I answered them and they're trivial like how's the structure etc..

Answers (probably)
1) See, 11th class (that includes me and most of the organizers)have chem pracs on 19 & 20 Jan. This is the real tricky part.. my main worry. I have a slightly ermm.. clever idea. See, the farewell's on the 29th or 30th. So around the 25th onwards 11th will be in anarchy (kind of) and we can capitalize on that and organize FF somewhere around that time. We have to do it on a weekday since most ppl won't prefer to wake out of their cosy beds on a holiday. ;-)

2) We have to have a variety of games. And that doesn't mean just FPS (first person shooter eg: ut), and since this is quite a small event, we can have ut 2k3 as the knockout game for both seniors and juniors. And all batches have to have the same games. So essentially we have to modify the Final Challenge game. I have Tribes 2 (legally distributable copy) full, but its a team game and we can't have that. I was wondering if we can have Soldier of Fortune or some other war game. But again, war games take too much time to master. Hmm.. the easiest option is: NFS for knockout, and UT for final. Just like Dy 2k5. But i'm really not it favor of that, simply 'coz NFS supports only 8 at a time. If we can have a great racing game which can have unlimited (if not that, atleast more than 20) at a time, then its something to be considered.

3) I made no commitments on that aspect. Obviously ppl (including me) would like to get their own powerful beast for a gaming event, but then we don't have enuf ports available on the hub (enuf? we have only 2 empty, which i suspect are empty 'coz they don't work). And if we try to purchase a new hub, the event becomes expensive, and I want to keep it on a very very low budget. but no compromise on quality. The Budget can be increased if necessary. So I think we shud say nay to personal computers. Okay?

Lets get the other members on the blog. And now that we're expanding the club, (the 3 deputies have expressed interest in learning graphics and programming! that's a victory for us)

More soon

Monday, January 10, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX notes

Hey I got this idea while we were discussing abt the idea of the gaming. How abt calling it: Frag-fest 2k5?

Sounds cool, though I'm unsure if someone already uses it. I made this one up myself. And lets have FF first as our intra-school one, in this month itself. What say? And once we enter into the next academic session, we might even have FF 2k5 "inter-school'". Its pure Gaming and game development, and nothing else. The whole theme should be Games. If we have a quiz, we can have it as only abt games... this is something that we can have at our school level... intra school. I'm sure we'll have tremendous competition in our school. And since we have just 15 comps, (actually 16 but the last I saw Intel-6 working was when I was entering 9th i.e more than 2 yrs :-P), we'll have to do batches. Yeah! Lets have a proper tournament. We'll have junior level and senior level knockouts in NFS or something, then we'll have a junior level and senior level ut Death match, and then the top 3 from both compete against each other in some other game.. maybe again ut. And we'll try to get some guest to talk abt the field of Game programming. We might even get MS to support us again since they can promote their Imagine cup's Visual Gaming and other things amongst our students. We won't need any sponsorship type thing. Its just that MS can probably give the winners an AOM set, and deliver a session on their Imagine cup stuff..

What do you guys say? It doesn't need too much organizing. Since Principal ma'am told me that she liked the idea of the hall-curtain cutting thing a lot, she'll be ordering a proper *opaque* black tent for the school and get it properly fixed so that we can just pull it up when not needed and lower it (when needed :-D). Then we can show the on-going games to the participants sitting in the hall. We'll just need the same old refreshment boxes. No judges reqd. Your gun/engine decides. We won't need any reg desk, no calling up schools (don't remind me!) and nothing really important. They're our students afterall... We have a network to the hall in place. We won't need the Chip Lab. And it'll just be a few hrs. What do you say? Try to get it done in a <10K budget and the management will accept it. And the trophy thing... do we need trophies? We are giving the CDs right?

Sunday, January 09, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX 2005 Final Results

Congratulations to DPS, R.K.Puram for winning the Overall Winners trophy and Mother's Int'l School for winning the Overall Runner's up trophy and to all the winners.

OVERALL WINNERS >> Delhi Public School, R.K.Puram
OVERALL RUNNER'S UP >> Mother's Int'l School
SPECIAL EVENT WINNERS >> Ramjas School, Pusa Road.
1st Mother's Int. School - Sarvagya Sharma, Raag Yadava
2nd DPS, R.K.Puram - Ishaan, Bharat
1st DPS, R.K.Puram - Rahul
2nd Springdales - Raghav, Shristhi
1st DPS, R.K.Puram - Nikhil, Raman
2nd Ramjas, Anand Parbat - Deepak, Arun
1st The Shriram School - Kartik, Shivika
2nd St. Mary's - Agrima, Akshay
1st Ramjas, Pusa Rd. - Saurabh
2nd St. Columbus - Udit
1st The Shriram School - Saagar
2nd DPS, R.K.Puram - Varun Kumar
1st Kendriya Vidyalaya - Vaun, Gaurav.
2nd Mother's Int. School - Tanmay, Raag Yadava.
1st Mother's Int. School - Milind, Raag Yadava
2nd DPS, R.K.Puram - Bharat, Ishaan
1st St. Columbus - Kapil, Kaushal
2nd DPS, R.K.Puram - Akul, Samuya

Note : The certificates of the participants who have come 3rd in the events will be sent to their respective schools.

Saturday, January 08, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX notes

OK guys, Dy 2k5 over, and I'm out. Exhausted too. But now we've got to get together and figure out where we made mistakes, and what all did we overlook? Since we have our tests on Monday, and Wednesday, & that I might not come on Tuesday, we need to call a meeting asap. Umm... monday is day ..? What?? I guess day 1. Its either 6 or 1. If its 6. Bad luck. Nothing free. 1.. yeah we've got a few free periods. Computer th. too. And now we've got to have some programming sessions for the juniors and get some more juniors from 8th in here.

And another important thing we've gotta work on is the new modules we'll be adding into the existing computer course of classes 6-9. We should have a beginners intro to VB or something in the lower classes, and other topics based on the interest. All on the schedule of our next meeting. Since we all have already got together finally, we should not let this oppurtunity to get the club kickstarted.

Friday, January 07, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Day 1 of DynamiX 2005 (An Inside Story)

7th January finally came, and the much awaited 1st Day of DynamiX 2005 dawned on us.
I arrived at Ramjas around 8:15 am and saw a group of sniggering students from some other school standing in front of the parking lot inside the school gate.
The schedule seemed hectic straight from 8:30 and many schools started arriving by that time and the prefects were deployed to see them to the hall where they had to sit for the time being, and for the inaugration, and for the Microsoft VB.NET session proceeded over by Ashwani Sharma, from Microsoft India.
The inaugration didn't go as planned, though the short speech by the Principal was fine and as planned (in timings), the special event clue problem came, as we were unable to project the video-clue onto the LCD, but it was then read out, which wasn't of much use, and the video had to be played again during the Refreshment period when most of the schools and their students were supposed to be present there.
The Junior Presentation, Gaming Prelims, Quiz Prelims started by 11:15 am and various participants went to the respective event-venues, as the Junior Prest. guys came and submitted their presentations. The crossword prelims started at 11:30 am till 12:00.
More confusion came with the starting of the Gaming Finals, as it's timings clashed with GD Prelims and because some guy had taken part in both of the competitions, the Gaming Finals had to be delayed by some time, so that all the qualifiers in the Gaming Finals could take part in this event.

Gaming Finals Reaults:

1st Position: The Shriram School.
2nd Position: Delhi Public School, R.K.Puram.


And so ended the day with an 1 hour talk with the Principal, discussing the problems of the day and congratulating the clan for their wonderful & productive effort which made Day 1 a success.

Have a nice day. See you at Day 2 of DynamiX 2005.

Thursday, January 06, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX notes

OK guys. We've all worked hard day in and night. Lets all have some fun... put your best into the event and lets hope that everything goes as planned (and also hope that i don't fail in my module test due to lack of prep). And all the ppl who helped and did their bit for DY, will get special things (not necessarily material), and we'll have a full 2 hour gaming session to celebrate it too.. ooo looking forward to it.

To all FireFox Fanatics

The DynamiX website is now Firefox supportable and works fine in both Mic IE & Mozilla FF.

Saturday, January 01, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

Hail the New Year!

Everyone at DynamiX and Ramjas School wishes all the viewers of this blog, a very Happy New Year!
May God Bless you and your family and shower your future with happiness & delight.