Monday, January 24, 2005 | On this day:

Very bored

Hmm.. gets really boring. This displays the lack of penetration of internet amongst the students. Why don't more students get to know of our blog? Why don't we actively promote the DynamiX clan now? Why are we all feeling sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppy? yawn!

We need a fresh start. yaaaawn!

G'nite (for me. the time right now is 3:39 PM and 61 seconds so its 3:40 and 1 second.. and as i write its 5 seconds and now i have to type faster as it is getting to become 3:41 and some more seconds and .. ) done. I quit racing with time. Please don't kill me!! I don't wear digital watches. I don't want to want any watches. Help!

PS: I just posted this because I was feeling very depressed about 0 posts since 4 days. Hehe. but I am sleepy (g'nite... and no more counting of seconds :-D)


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