Sunday, August 20, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Moving on indian roads

Finally ,the idea of Frag-Fest 2006 got its approval from Principal Ma'am. So me, Sanchit and Prashanth started the work today itself.

Progress is as follow :


We have installed Unreal Tournament 2000 on 14 computers.
Requirement : 20 computers for First Round .
Problem : Out of the computers connected to LAN , only 14 were working. Others 5-6 Computers were down :-( . Don't Blame ME !!
Solution that can be tried : Pankaj Sir told us that eng. (mechanic) will be coming on sunday morning to repair those computers. So there is a chance. Come on , buck up guys. Work for it. We need more MEN / WOMEN power. Please.

In Chip Lab :

5 computers available for hosting the 2nd Round 'n THE FINALE

Problem : Out of 5 computers , 2 doesn't have network working. 1 doesn't have Good OS ( some crap is coming). Other 2 are working fine.
Solution : All need to help.
We gotta have those 2 computers running on LAN.
We gotta install games on those systems.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia


I really liked the initiative taken to compile the school's team, but the discussion died down pretty soon. Did you make any plans to recruit? Its not that hard really..

My suggestion is, go to the events, just take along as many as you think should go and participate. Doesn't matter if you win or lose. Don't forget, the present DynamiX core too is really short on experience in participating in events, as far as I remember.. few of you have seen more than 3-4 events, which is really damaging to the clan. So participate, and let the claims of other schools, "DynamiX is dead", motivate you to work harder to improve it and convert it into a consistent performer.

What of the annual DynamiX event? Alright, so that's too ambitious for now, so what about the FragFest? Just conduct it guys, don't ponder over it like Plato!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Independance Day ... DynamiX style.

-| AG.

Thursday, August 10, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Screams performance. Conserves power.

The eighth-generation microprocessor produced by Intel.

-| AG.

Saturday, August 05, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Frag-Fest - Theme Changed

Frag-Fest, the annual gaming event of Ramjas School R.K.Puram is no longer just a gaming competition but now, a Full Fledged intra school symposium which tests participants in all the fields of computers i.e. Programming, Quiz, Crossword, Web-Designing and Gaming.
This Grand idea needed to be blogged here, I suppose.

(Siddharth Razdan)

Thursday, August 03, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Post removed

As the language of one of the post by a member of Dynamix-Notes was not upto the blog's reputation, and the person concerned was paying no heed inspite of the infinite number of reminders sent, the post by the person concerned has been saved as a draft and hopefully, we'll get to see that entry again if the author modifies it as expected.

(Siddharth Razdan)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Frag-Fest 2006

Frag-Fest, the Ramjas R.K.P's annual intra-school competiton to find out the talent in the field of computer gaming is scheduled to be on 9th & 10th August(dates arguable) and the specifications of the same are below

- Five students from each section will be chosen on first come first server bases.(arguable)
- 15 seat have been left as Wild card entry to avoid further trouble regarding participation.
- Event is open for classes 8th - 11th.

Day 1
Round 1(Venue: Chip Lab)

Game: Unreal tournament 2003
Time allotted: Zero Period till Recess
Grouping: 15 students per group

Round 2(Venue: Chip Lab)

Game: Need for speed 7
Time Allotted: 1 hr after lunch.
Group: 15 students per group.

Day 2

Round 3
(Venue: Intel-Lab)

Game(s): Age of empires 3, Need for Speed Most Wanted, FIFA WC 2006, Unreal Tournament 2004
Time Allotted: 2nd half of Day 2

- Last year's Frag-Fest was a failure primarily because of the unmanagable crowd. Hopes are on that this time, we can achieve our targets.
- Easy chucking of new blood from the Dynamix Club will be possible as those who don't qualify for the top five, won't be in the clan.
- If the event is successful, It'll be a major moral boost for the new core-committee.
- Suggestions required regarding the minor details like installing, participants etc etc etc

(Siddharth Razdan)

Note: Till date, no confirmation has come from the P.M.O.(Principal Maam's Office) regarding the event and therefore, sharp turns in the plan can be expected. Also admirable is the sincerity with which Sanchit Gulati is working for this event. To be frank, I've just Copy-Pasted and edited the .doc file which the lad had sent to me. Keep your spirits up boy(and other organising people), we've got a lot of work ahead of us.