Saturday, August 05, 2006 | On this day: Wikipedia

Frag-Fest - Theme Changed

Frag-Fest, the annual gaming event of Ramjas School R.K.Puram is no longer just a gaming competition but now, a Full Fledged intra school symposium which tests participants in all the fields of computers i.e. Programming, Quiz, Crossword, Web-Designing and Gaming.
This Grand idea needed to be blogged here, I suppose.

(Siddharth Razdan)


At 5:24 AM, August 05, 2006, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

Uh-huh ... I hope the present DynamiX has what it takes to pull off this grand idea of yours. Even the smallest loop-hole in the organization of this event might screw the whole thing up.

At 9:03 AM, August 05, 2006, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Why not conduct a simple gaming event for now, and then work at the entire event just as a follow up after the inter-school DynamiX? Take simple steps, we have to be careful with FragFest, the kids liked it a lot, it wasn't that they didn't like it. The reason why we abruptly ended the event was due to the refusal of the management to allow gaming outside zero periods, and the headaches on *our* side. The students who played the games didn't face problems (except occasional little waiting lists and registration problems). And FragFest wasn't a failure.. much as you love to hate it, it was through the FragFest organization thing that we found a lot of the present Core members, including Siddarth.. have you forgotten? Your name was there, but it was during that time when we seriously give registration forms to all members and asked them to get people to register. We found talented guys.. that's the point of conducting an event. Not giving prizes and selecting the winners for the clan, the point is to find talents.. even if that potential talent is coming last, if you think he/she has potential, recruit him/her. Don't fall into the trap, put yourself on the other person's side and think of the frustration they face on their bad day, when they know themselves to be good gamers/whatever.

At 2:23 AM, August 07, 2006, Blogger Abhishek Nandakumar said...

You shouldn't let just any person participate. Make it an inter-house event and 4 people per house. Managing participants is a big pain.

At 2:58 AM, August 07, 2006, Blogger Siddharth Razdan said...

Shashank, everything you said, I agree it in full but I'd like to inform you of the fact that our clan is in some serious shortage of talent, as you propose to find through Frag-Fest Gaming. Till last year, this problem was not very visible and prominent one as it was almost one man's show i.e. Roshan winning prizes in almost everything he participated in. But now, things have to be pushed up in every field and if we take up gaming only, it'll be a partial effort, don't you think so?
An intelligent idea that can be worked out is not reputing Frag-Fest as a "Fest" in general but carry it out in phases assigning each competition(quiz, programming, crossword etc), a funny name. That would be a more managable, I think. Ayush's statement that even a single loop-hole can spiral our plans to disaster is a very realistic one, but hey! what's life without a Royal Challenge? :-)

Abhishek, house events are just a waste. If the idea suggested by you is implemented, I'm sure the participation list will only consist of "Teachers-Pets". I've seen it happening earlier, though we need to find out a way to shrink the no. of people competiting. Any suggestion regarding that?

(Siddharth Razdan)

At 9:52 AM, August 09, 2006, Blogger Abhishek Nandakumar said...


At 2:43 AM, August 11, 2006, Blogger Tarun Gahlot said...

Hey, after analysing my thoughts for 2 weeks I have conclude that hold the event straight away. No change in it. We can't do anything like Pankaj Sir suggested by ourself. Just 5 students working on it , with 3 of them from board classes. How can we do it?
Siddharth,our school authority should help us in order to hold an event like you are suggesting. Talk about it to Principal Ma'am if you are really interested or just organise the event for 4th week of August.

At 9:36 AM, August 16, 2006, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

So what's the latest plan?


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