Google ToolBar: Review
Google Toolbar makes it to the list of one of the few useful & trusted application(s), that net users around the world love to integrate their web-browser with. And why shouldn't it be the case? With such a simple design and many a tools-that-you-can't-live-without-with, this naturally makes it the preferred choice among all the web-page hoppers.
Needless to say, it's free, and safe. It is detected neither as an Adware, nor a SpyWare from all the recommended apllications that you can hope to see around - Microsoft Anti-Spyware, Norton Anti-Virus-2006, Yahoo Anti-Spyware. An easy Un-install button also adds to the programs ecstacy. It has got an enhanced Search Box and skins to work out with. It's Auto-Update feature also keeps out of worries of being outdated(at least, regarding the ToolBar). Easy Clearing of History also, is an expected yet important feature of this Bar.

Host of services that it offers in alpha order is -
- AutoFill
- Autolink
- Highlight Toggler
- Search(tad obvious)
- Spell Check
- Subscription to Feeds
- Link to it's GMail service
- Page-Rank
- News
Although this program has nothing negative to it's credit, but being not as exhaustive & stylish from it's rival
Yahoo! ToolBar deducts it's ratings.
My Take: 8.5/10
Official Page cum Download Link
Tag-Board Misuse
Off-Lately, there has been many a cases of "
Name-Impersonations" on our Tag-Board. As example(s), few statements written on the Tag-Board are not expected of their genuine authors.
* Siddharth Razdan: shut up! u r not bill gates, if u were, then u probably be doing work in vista or something rather than visiting our stupid blog. sorry to say but u are not bill.
* Shashank Shekhar: Abe Bill Gates ke auladon, chupo karo
* Tarun Gahlot: Let the music play.
As the original administrator of the Tag-Board is lazy enough to delete these entries, I'm replacing the old board with a new one with me as admin. I'll keep a check on these kinda false tags in future.
Also, to the person who is faking the personalities on Dynamix-Notes, I must say it's a damn wrong thing. Try to control yourself in future.
(Siddharth Razdan) Update
Answering to the general curosity of almost all the concerned online Ramjasians, I'd like to inform the people that our domain name, theoretically, has already been renewed for a span of 1 year and will be up in the very first week of July.
The delay has been due to the confusion(s) regarding the domain's extension & payment to the company concerned. Anyway, all issues has been sorted out and expect our school's as well as Dynamix's site running in a few days. Thanks & Sorry for the delay.
(Siddharth Razdan)
Where is the school site?
What happened to our school site? The domain name has expired, so I think the link to the school site should be removed until the site is updated.
Gates: End of an Era
As all of us probably know that the most famous & favourite tech personality has decided to leave the arena, here's a special coverage by CNet. A must read.
Special Coverage/Tears trickle down the eyes
<<<<--Make FireFoX Faster-- >>>>
Here is a small set of changes that has to be made to make your firefox browser upto ten-eleven- times faster.
1. Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit enter. Scroll down and look for the following entries(Go alpha-vise. Therefore, go straight to "N"):
2. Alter the entries as follows:
Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"
set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.
3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.
Try this and you can see the difference.
This thing actually increases your FireFox speed or you can say your browsing speed over internet. "NOT YOUR INTERNET SPEED". It will make more and more internet resources to concentrate on Mozilla FireFox.
Do tell me ... does this thing works??
Dynamix Ventures
Owing to the fact that July, August & September are the competition months of the year, I propose that the Dynamix activities should be confined to the above stated months.
Now, the list of events in alpha order is
* Dynamix 2006(maybe August)
* Initiation of Tech-Ed(Definitely July, no questions)
* Logic Test(late September)
I very well can sense that the list ended as soon as it started, but I wanted to be kind of practical keeping in mind the present manpower & resources conditions of the clan. If anyone wants to suggest, add or contribute, I'd welcome the idea anyway.
(Siddharth Razdan)
DooDles Just Got a Logo!