Obey Me. I am the Lord.
As Ayush Gupta is out there in the Island of Singapore, the only capable personality left for the effective management of this blog is me myself. Therefore, guidelinies and rules by me are to be followed from now on. They are listed below.
* I have the right to thrawt every person on this blog.
* Every post, before being posted, should be reviewed by me, and should be posted after I've given my consent.
* I can openly advertise about my personal blog on this blog.
* I can kick out any person, if I find him/her un-worthy of Dynamix-Notes. Also this kicking out process can be undertaken without giving any reason.
* I warn you of any negative comments against me, also about my poor english.
So people, with this post, I mark the start of autocratic rule on thi blog. Enjoy.
Note: No hard feeling against anyone. This post is being posted with utter sracastic mood and under no circumstances, this should be taken seriously. Also other administrators, please don't delete this post.
After what seems like, ages, Google has consented to send me the invite to join GPageCreater, which due to "Heavy Demand", was un-available at the time I tried to sign up. The program, in itself, is pretty *cough* nice.
Any other OS. Why?
My packet of Ubuntu Linux all the way from France arrived today. And minutes after I receieved it, I put the CD's inside the packet, to use. And very soon, I was working on the new, free OS I had just receieved.
Now, don't expect me to write another review of the same as they are many, readily available on cyber-space.
Click here to have a look at one of them(reviews).
After working, using, feeling the new OS, I was pondering over, or you can say, admiring the supremacy of
Windows XP. I just couldn't think of a reason, why people use or switch over to other OS's when an ultimte master-piece is in front of them. Rather than not being a free affair, is there any other fault in it? Even that is not a problem. Most of us get it approximately for nill(pirated version). So, according to me, sit down, enjoy your present product from microsoft and there's no need to look for anything else till september(Vista expected).
(Siddharth Razdan)
Note: This post is meant for home, personal users. Above lines will make no sense if they are mistakenly or intentionally taken for commercial use
St. Patrick's Day.
Google's Homepage is Bland, Boring, Plain, Simple, and anything that comes to your mind when you ponder over its, er, design which can make Bill Gates scream like a girl and run to the comfort of his Bank Vault. Alright, so what is the only thing which adds some spiciness to that same ol' webpage? The ocassional customised logos, what else. So, where am I going with this post? Well, I trying to introduce the new customised design of the same.
Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day, which happens to be ... *consults Google* ... ah, yes it happens to be today.
Yahoo - Now a major setback to spam
Next time you intend to send a mail through Yahoo, get ready for an intermediate step - word verification. It is such a basic, easy, simple and effective way to check spam, I wonder why it is being introduced so lately?
Although, it'll now take you a minute more(or maybe less, depends upon your eyes) to have your mail reaching its destination, but this con can be well swallowed by the fact that its share of pros is much larger than its -ve's. God bless Yahoo.
Hues of Dynamix
Wishing a joyous and colourful Holi to all the Dynamites and guests of Dynamixnotes

Uma and her esquire Adobe Illustrator CS2
A very clean, fresh, user-friendly yet powerful application. A user can immidiately start using it without looking at the Help even once. With search criteria nicely classified in to 5 categories, a classy interface and themes to work with, this software is worth being the no. 1, and it is. Also its the world's fastest growing file sharing program.
Unlike the other programs on P2P concept(like I-Mesh), this one doesn't require you to Sign-Up or Log-In to use their services. It only takes you, a net connection to get going. It has got support for many languages, rather many many of them. Hence, one small 4.5 mb setup file covers all the globe. Its Adult-Content-Filter also deserves a mention, if not a detail.
Also there's a small progress bar at the search window which opens when you are looking for something. And this functionality, according to me, is the best one which caters to the users general sense of patience. My personal experience says that if the progress bar has reached the half of this length, and there's nothing up on the screen, give up hope to expect something in the other half. Instead, try a different name or a different file altogether :-)
A great deal of satisfaction is also offered along with this master-piece by monitoring all the incoming and outgoing traffic. If you are not happy with one, or two or maybe couple of them, simply block them(through a firewall).
Everything has its own positives/negatives and broadband has its own share of them. Positives, all we know. The negatives, probably the only negative that broadband un-willingly gifts us is the "loss of net activity"(I hate it for that). And if you suffer from this problem, then Lime-Wire has something to offer you. Its What's-New service. Click on the "What's-New" button, see the recently uploaded files displayed. Get lost again into the wonderful world of internet. Enjoy.
As already said, everything has its own positives/negatives, and this program too has a darker side. Although one can easily be comfortable with this program, but if he/she is not, lime-wire is not there to help off-line. Maybe lime-wire loves bytes, coming and going.
Also Lime-Wire is a serious security threat to your PC, if you love high speeds. Traditional downloading is three times faster than Lime-Wire, if Fire-Wall is in action. The result, most people shut down their walls, and hence, open up the threat doors.
Lime-Wire's Licence Agreement says that it does not account for any spyware or adware along with it. But a scan by Yahoo anti-spy challenges the agreement by identifying it as an adware. Consequences: Users in dilemma.
Another Flaw: Files exceeding 30 letters is not a cup of tea for this P2P program. And this thing sucks when you are for ill-named drivers and the like.
Rest is fine.

One thing that's bothering me since the first day of my relationship with this program is my inability to classify a service of its namely "Direct-Connect" into a positive or a negative. Using this service, one can directly access the files of another machine if its IP address is known. What do you people say?
My rating :8.5 out of 10
Official web-SiteDownload Link
Hacking gmail
Been a contributer of this blog.
This is my best contribution.
Which unlike ur's is some Tech.
Archived version of this E-book.
Your Download-Link:
of Firefox 2, among nothing else.

An upcoming version of Firefox will include protection against phishing scams, using technology that might come from Google.
The phishing shield is a key new security feature planned for Firefox 2, slated for release in the third quarter of this year, Mozilla's Mike Shaver said in an interview on Tuesday.
Shaver, a technology strategist at the company which oversees Firefox development, said: "Everybody understands that phishing is a significant problem on the web. We are putting anti-phishing into Firefox, and Google is working with us on that."
Username(s)/Password(s) Woes.
Having a relationship with computer(s) and internet for more then 1-2 years, leaves you with one thing for sure. Lots of user-names and pass-words. The exact number depends on the duration of a person's date with the machine. And that's quiet natural too. If you are repeatedly expecting services from a service provider like E-Mail, blogging you need to have a permanent foot-mark out there which only an "account" can provide. Username and the corresponding password, are only the keys to access that "account". But it's no less than a brain-transplant-surgery to remember them. Requires a lot of grey area which most of us, don't have in excess ;-)
Scenario: During the moments I've spent in front of the monitor, I have accumulated 44, and increasing, number of accounts and equal number of passwords in my share of things which are to be remembered always. But, un-fortunately, as I am not from mars, I used to constantly forget the two hand-in-hand keys. So, I jotted all of those which I remembered, on seperate .txt files and packed all of them in a folder. Encrypting the folder has a different story altogether written below. Read on...
Encryption: It was and is, an stepwise affair
1) I password protected the master folder through
2) Having placed this .zip file into an mountable virtual drive, I password-protected it too, using
Paragon Encrypted Disk.
3) Placed the resultant .crd file far into a C:/Windows directory and that too hidden.
4) Kept quiet about it.
@God: Please make sure that
no-one, literally
no-one gets past my 4-cycle security system.
(Siddharth Razdan)Note: This post can also be found out here
Dear school-mate(s),
Even after such a extensive promotion of the blog, counter there isn't showing much progress yet. Aceepted that exam(s) is the only mania up these days, I am expecting some movements on the blog whose name is same as that of the title of this post. Contribute Please.
Thanks & Regards
(Siddharth Razdan)
P.S. Have a look at the latest post "Memories of School Life" by Karthik Rao Cavale.
Note: Click the title of this post to view the blog.