Wednesday, November 16, 2005 | On this day: Wikipedia

DynamiX 2005: Respawned - Results

Well, its finally over! Here are the results. I must say that every school really put in quite some fight. I personally was disappointed with the overall level of quizzing talent. Lots of schools didn't know stuff like Tux's OS etc. :-) Others, especially gaming was great. It was really fun.. anyhow the results can be found here.

Congrats to both DPS MR and APJ SS, as well as to all the participants. I must note, APJ SS had only one guy: Ankit Sud, going for all the events. That was amazing. We had two streams: Creative & Technical, and both these streams were separate i.e one couldn't participate in both without a bit a jugglery. But inside each stream, we had assured that there would be no clashes, and we stuck to our word. This is because all the technical events were (except Crossword) continuous, going on both the days. Like gaming, it was round based rather than just one stupid elimination. Gaming was designed as a team effort, with a max of 3 gamers allowed. There were 5 rounds: 3 action + 2 racing. Each round could have the participation of max 1 participant from each school. And the total of all the schools on the whole was noted. So people really got to depend on a complete team effort to win different game types (barring Ankit Sud, who participated in all rounds alone. :-) ). And finally it was a 1-on-1 match between the top two schools at the end of the two days of gaming (the schools could send whichever gamer, inside their 3 gamers' list, to the final) in DM-Gael in UT 2004. I've heard it was a really close and exciting match and sorely regret missing it.

Then programming was like you could go on programming both days and keeping improving your robots. We had RoboCode NG for programming, and the teams had to build great bots for their teams and could keep improving it whenever they wanted and could visit the lab to do the same. Some comps were alloted for that work. At the end, the final showdown was done, with me putting all bots through the initial paces by testing them against basic computer bots to see if they're able to atleast stand that. They did, and then they all were put in one battle against each other. I must say that Modern School, Barakhamba's bot was amazing. It won each and every round and crushed the computer bots in the testing round. Great job!

Well, other events went off fine. We had a bit of a delay on day 2 due to some unforeseen stupidity on the part of Unreal 2003 which delayed the action round which in turn pushed all the rounds of everything (quiz finals etc.)

On the whole, it was an event that was done in a new way. Didn't go as well as I had foreseen when we started planning way back in March. But I hope that people will try to break the monotonous style of events that we see everywhere. This was my last computer event at the school-level. The last I was in-charge of, and probably the last computer event too.. since I don't think that I would be able to attend any other computer symposium now.. 12th grade is ending.


At 7:23 AM, November 17, 2005, Blogger Tikna said...

when is the prize dist. for overall trophies

At 10:14 PM, November 17, 2005, Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

They will be most probably sent to your school.

At 12:15 AM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Uma Damle said...

It might be the last symposium you guys are in charge of but I suppose you guys'll come back next year and help the prople left behind to organise the event?:-)

At 3:21 AM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Oh I hope I do get the chance to do that.. would be easier actually because we won't have the thing about teacher's saying: Why do you bunk classes to go to the labs?! ;-)

But I have no idea where I will be in 12 months time..

At 10:16 AM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Uma Damle said...

I don't think we'd expect you to do the running around after this year but we would need your help and guidance
I really hope you, Roshan and the rest of the cores leaving this year get admissions in Delhi..Plus now you can be officialy invited as judges.
I most probably am staying here after my 10th and one of the major reasons for doing so would be my fondness for our club :-)I'd bear along with chemistry for two more years for DynamiX's sake :-D


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