Code Wars 2k5
UPDATE: DynamiX has won the Overall Runners Up position at Exun 2005.--
Its back. We won this event last time.. this time, it's gonna be really tough for us. Our school's taken out the entire 12th and 10th off with pre-pre boards. Hence, its upto the 11th & 9th & below to do something. Damn.
Check out: for the rules and stuff.
Its well nigh impossible for us to participate.. I mean the 10thies & 12thies. So I ask the 11th and 9th to buck up and get ready. We have to atleast try to defend the championship without anyone from our last year's team. We were in 11th then. Trick: Participate in as many events as possible.
Exun 2005 @ DPS, RK Puram
Exun 2005 was held at Delhi Public School, RK Puram on the 19th and 20th of November. The decision to participate was made at the last moment, so we weren't able to send a full team. Even so, we managed an overall second position. Here is the events summary:
- Programming (1st) - Roshan Shariff
- Senior Quiz (didn't participate)
- Crossword (2nd) - Roshan Shariff
- FindEx (3rd) - Roshan Shariff
- Junior Quiz (didn't qualify) - K.R. Prashanth
- Gaming (didn't qualify) - Rachit Taneja
- Digital Imaging (didn't qualify) - Stefan Mathew
- Group Discussion (didn't qualify) - Shakti Mehra
- Swat the Bug! (2nd) - Roshan Shariff & M. Harsha
The full results are available at there are any errors, please notify me by email or by attaching a comment to this post.
NOTICE: There was an extra event called "Minus Alpha Plus Alpha" for which we were given various crossword-type clues throughout the event. We're supposed to solve these clues, form a single word from these solutions, and email the answer to the Exun Clan before 12 noon on Monday, 21st November. Rumour has it that this event has quite a few points, so winning it may yet bag us the overall first position. All DynamiX members are requested to help me solve these clues. Please log in to your Yahoo Messenger accounts this evening, if you can. My Yahoo ID is roshan_shariff.
DynamiX 2005: Respawned - Points
All Technical events had points: 50, 40, & 30 for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd positions.
All Creative events had points: 40 & 30 for the 1st & 2nd postions respectively.
As it is obvious from the above rule, only the top two positions were considered in creative. Technical, top 3 were considered.
And since Just A Minute was a surprise event, it didn't carry as many points as the others. 30 & 20 for the 1st & 2nd postion.
DynamiX 2005: Respawned - Results
Well, its finally over! Here are the results. I must say that every school really put in quite some fight. I personally was disappointed with the overall level of quizzing talent. Lots of schools didn't know stuff like Tux's OS etc. :-) Others, especially gaming was great. It was really fun.. anyhow the results can be found
Congrats to both DPS MR and APJ SS, as well as to all the participants. I must note, APJ SS had only one guy: Ankit Sud, going for all the events. That was amazing. We had two streams: Creative & Technical, and both these streams were separate i.e one couldn't participate in both without a bit a jugglery. But inside each stream, we had assured that there would be no clashes, and we stuck to our word. This is because all the technical events were (except Crossword) continuous, going on both the days. Like gaming, it was round based rather than just one stupid elimination. Gaming was designed as a team effort, with a max of 3 gamers allowed. There were 5 rounds: 3 action + 2 racing. Each round could have the participation of max 1 participant from each school. And the total of all the schools on the whole was noted. So people really got to depend on a complete team effort to win different game types (barring Ankit Sud, who participated in all rounds alone. :-) ). And finally it was a 1-on-1 match between the top two schools at the end of the two days of gaming (the schools could send whichever gamer, inside their 3 gamers' list, to the final) in DM-Gael in UT 2004. I've heard it was a really close and exciting match and sorely regret missing it.
Then programming was like you could go on programming both days and keeping improving your robots. We had RoboCode NG for programming, and the teams had to build great bots for their teams and could keep improving it whenever they wanted and could visit the lab to do the same. Some comps were alloted for that work. At the end, the final showdown was done, with me putting all bots through the initial paces by testing them against basic computer bots to see if they're able to atleast stand that. They did, and then they all were put in one battle against each other. I must say that Modern School, Barakhamba's bot was amazing. It won each and every round and crushed the computer bots in the testing round. Great job!
Well, other events went off fine. We had a bit of a delay on day 2 due to some unforeseen stupidity on the part of Unreal 2003 which delayed the action round which in turn pushed all the rounds of everything (quiz finals etc.)
On the whole, it was an event that was done in a new way. Didn't go as well as I had foreseen when we started planning way back in March. But I hope that people will try to break the monotonous style of events that we see everywhere. This was my last computer event at the school-level. The last I was in-charge of, and probably the last computer event too.. since I don't think that I would be able to attend any other computer symposium now.. 12th grade is ending.
Respawning Tommorrow, at 9:30 am IST.
After much installing, debugging, arguments, discussions, tempers, DynamiX 2005 Respawned is finally at the stage when we (not I) can say that DX 2K5 is ready to be unveiled before the non-dynamites. From the information I have right now, around 20 most reputable schools of Delhi are participating in the symposium.
All I can say is that .... I just can't wait.
Ratting Internet Explorer.
Video iPod
Apple , the celebrated name in the portable music mania tried some more creativity and introdeuced Video iPod in the market . Its for the geeks who enjoy video along with the song.
Right now it is available in two variants : 30 GB and 60 GB . Its more sleek , cooler than the older
20 GB versions and has a vibrant 2.5 inch LCD display .
All you need is only Rs 14,000 for 30 GB model and an additional 4000 bucks if you want the model of double its capacity .
Sorry , couldn't provide a screenshot .
Trying hard to get my hands on one :-)
(Siddharth Razdan)
New Sponsors
We're glad to announce that Educomp India & Britannia are sponsoring our event: DynamiX 2005: Respawned. We hope to work together to achieve a great event.
Honey, Google's on my Mobile!

Google Mobile makes it easy to access online information — billions of pages images — on your cell phone or mobile device.
'Tank Wars' Student AI Competition
News link
"Game publisher and developer Electronic Arts has launched ‘Tank Wars’, a one-of-a-kind competition that challenges Computer Science students to compete for the title of ‘Best of Breed’ and take home a new gaming computer complete with an EA line-up of PC titles.
The ‘Tank Wars’ competition invites computer science students to demonstrate their skill by writing an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) program that pits one military tank against another in a battle for supremacy. EA will provide the software code free of charge to participating students and all entrants will retain ownership of their intellectual property..."
Interesting stuff