A fun DynamiX Promo
I've sent all of you a mail that provides the first, important, concrete ideas about DynamiX
I just was reading through some older articles on SlashDot ( http://www.slashdot.org ), and found this interesting piece. Should be interesting to Som & Roshan as they're the two people who spent quite some time in the lab getting Halo around. ;-)
Well, I have got a Sega Dreamcast before, and I was shocked to hear that its company has come to its end. The Dreamcast was very good, until now, and it deserves to be kept going up. I don't think that it can't stand with Sony Playstation2. Although it has gone down, I always think that it's one of the best console, even if GameCube and XBox have been out, it still has a favourite position in my mind. To begin and continue my favourite games : Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy series and so on, I have used my saving to afford the Playstation2. It's a sadness for me to leave Resident Evil series by NOT buying GameCube, because I can play no other GameCube games beside it, and it's a waste of money if I just buy it for one game. Playstation2 is pretty good, too. And I'm not disappointed about it, although it partly has defeated my Dreamcast.