Monday, December 25, 2006 | On this day:

Image editing tricks and more ...

You take snaps using your digital camera. Now you wish to transfer them to your computer and upload them on the web. But there is a small hitch : each image is almost 1.5 MB in size. What do you do now ?

Here are a few tips :

  • Reduce the pixel size of the image -- you dont wanna upload a 2 megapixel image to be viewed by others over the internet. Resize your image to 800X600 resolution, which is a normal image for a 17" monitor. This simple resizing will slash your image size to about 500 KB, if not less.

  • Go for image compression -- Use an image software to save the image with say, jpeg compression, wherein internally, the software will remove unwanted pixel data. Typically you can reduce your image quality to about 85% of original, without having any perceptible effect to the naked eye of the viewer. And the image which was originally 1.5MB, is now hovering at about 100 KB !!

For image play, I would recommend the immensely popular Irfan View

Check it out !