Two Thousand And Six is Here.
Some "cheat-codes" for NOKIA phones
I am providing you with some so called "cheat-codes" for your Nokia mobile phones. Try them, as they are really a nice time-pass.
*#06# -> IMEI Number
*#0000# -> Manufacturing Date
*3370# -> Restart your phone
If anyone knows more of them, I'd like to hear from you.
(Siddharth Razdan)
DynamiX notes
DynamiX notesRazdan PLz give up!
There is no need for ur personal photos to
keep this blog alive.
Mumbai, from sky
This is how Mumbai looks from sky. Nice na?

I clicked this photograph from the aircraft while going to Goa, soon after the take off from "Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport"(Mumbai) on 17th December 2005.
Guess who is he
Can you make out who this person is?

I was sure you won't be able to. He is "Bjarne Sroustrup", the father, mother and everything of the language "C++".
Merry X-Mas
May you be blessed with the god of faith , hope , peace and love on this Christmas!Wishing you Merry Christmas!
(Siddharth Razdan)
Something Ridiculous.
[One Word: Ridiculous]
[Three Words: Even More Ridiculous]
Been Here?
The philanthropic arm of Google, they call it. And "Welcome to" preceeds this somewhat vague description. Yes. There is a something called "" along with the something called "". Discovering this Google Org website was purely accidental, and the result was purely surprising.
"We hope that someday this institution will eclipse Google itself in overall world impact by ambitiously applying innovation and significant resources to the largest of the world’s problems." - Sergey Brin & Larry Page
Unfortunately, they are not accepting any funding requests, which fortunately I don't need.
Viruses use Sony anti-piracy CDs.
This leaves Sony in a real tangle. It was already getting bad press about its copy-protection software, and this new hack exploit will make it even worse.
- Graham Cluley, SophosVirus writers are exploiting Sony's controversial anti-piracy software to hide their malicious creations.
In late October Sony was found to be using stealth techniques to hide software that stopped some of its CDs being illegally copied.
Now three virus variants have been found that use the Sony software to evade detection by anti-virus programs.
Sony has apologised, saying it is working with computer security firms to address the problems.
Blogging Atmosphere
Every 3 of 5 Americans has a blog .Bill Gates has a blog .Sunil Mittal has a blog .And all the famous and established have a blog .
Indians are catching up and so as Dynamites . Most of us(Dynamites) are now running a frequently-updated blog which are worth putting up there on the "A Link here and a Link there" column .
Ayush , you being the administrator of the blog , have to do some extra work and see for yourself which of the blogs can make it to the required section .
(Siddharth Razdan)
A "Flawed" and "Irresponsible" research tool.
Online encyclopaedia Wikipedia has tightened its submission rules following a complaint.

Prominent journalist John Seigenthaler described as "false and malicious" an entry on Wikipedia implicating him in the Kennedy assassinations.
He went on to describe Wikipedia as a "flawed and irresponsible research tool".
When he phoned Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia's founder, he was told there was no way of finding out who wrote the entry.
Wikipedia has since removed the entry and now requires users to register before they can create articles.
This, in turn, should make it easier for the 600 volunteers to edit content, he said.
"In many cases the types of things we see going on are impulse vandalism," he said.
In an opinion piece for the USA Today, where Mr Seigenthaler was the founding editorial director, the 78-year-old journalist claimed that only one sentence in his Wikipedia biography was correct - the fact that he was Robert Kennedy's administrative assistant in the early 1960s.
Happy Anniversery
YO ! Our blog has completed one year . We started in December 2004 and today is December 2005 . 365 days of 220 posts and 15 members. Looks nice . Hope that we progress the same way as we had done earlier and continue with even more zeal.
Happy anniversey dear blog and congratulations to all Dynamites .
(Siddharth Razdan)
Common Geeks Philosophy
Well , this is a common habit of most of us that if we are looking for home-page of something famous and established , we tend to write the organisations name followed by varios suffixes like .com and .net and .org and many others .
Now the interesting psuedeo . If someone is looking for our space in the net , then he/she will try dynamix followed by the above suffixes . Look what holds for us (Beware , its porn) .
(Siddharth Razdan)
Search Results (strange and disguisting)
1) I didn't knew that in firing away the word "dynamix" will not yield our blog as one of the listing . Our blog has the word "dynamix" in the address itself and its ridiculous if in the blogs search our blog doesn't make it to the list .
One thing of which I am not sure is that whether we are supposed to submit our blogs name in the search listing . If has this obligation then we are sure to see our blogs name in the search listing very soon(I will sub,it) . But if it doesnt then this certainly calls for contacting customer support .
2) Even punching "dynamix" in the google doesn't shows a page which could link to our page . I was so disappointed with these results that I didnt clicked the "next" button in google to look for it in the further pages .
(Siddharth Razdan)
World-Space Satellite Radio
Very recently , I brought home a World-Space satellite Radio . And for that I had to shell out Rs 2000 for the model Diva and a three-month silver subscription . It is a nice machine with many features that the normal radio can't offer .
This radio works on the beams transmitted by the Asia-Star and Afri-Star satellites which covers about 80% of the whole of our planet . Offering over 40 channels with crystal clear voice this radio is worth its cost .The songs that this radio plays are full (unlike FM) and and ads free (again unlike FM) . So you can enjoy each and every moment when this radio is on .
But this radio has serious disadvantages too . First of all this radio recieves the signal only when it is facing any of the two satellites directly . No obstacles in between (except the clouds , of course ) . Even if you place your hands in between , the music stops . So the antenna has always to be outside the home . But this isn't of much worry as the antenna supplied with it is weather-proof .
And second flaw is that this radio requires a subscription which is sky high i.e. Rs 1100 for one year for silver subscription and Rs 2700 more for the Gold one . Without this this radio transmits absolutely rubbish channels which are of no use .
Thirdly , it does not support 5.1 channel sound . So , you have to be satisfied with the 2.1 channel sound like I am :-)
Otherwise , it is a sexy master-piece .
(Siddharth Razdan)
Minor Changes.
As it was, DynamiX Notes felt the need of a new slogan, and a new post. So, in a fit of brainwave, I made the following changes:
- "DynamiX News Aggregator" is now "God said let there be Light. So we brought the Light."
- The Font Face has been changed from "Garamond" to "Verdana".
- The Font Size from "1.3 em" to "1.2 em".
No other changes. Peace.