Eating Internet Explorer
DynamiX notes
UMA pls blog with some sense(or don't blog).
No one is interested in complains about our blog
St. Mary's school Report?
I think it need not be said that once our school returns from any computer event, we must blog its details, atleast who participated and where we stood. This is useful for people like me who (unfortunately) couldn't make it to the event and am naturally interested in the details.
Grade 12 are dead (this time) in UT
Enjoy your holidays.
But all ways use protection (as needed by saabka Baap).
Always Use Protection
Hello anybody out there
what's up with you guys huh.i had thought that being a member of the blog would be exciting and enjoyable but everytime i take the trouble to come up here all i see is a miserly meagre two or tree lines of a blog.wake up everybody there hasnot been a proper intresting long blog for a fortnight. ok i know that we all have our board classes and stuff but though the road ahead looks dark and foreboding the least we could do is keep away the blues by studying hard and blogging harder.this is starting to seem sooooo boooooring.
this is a plea. blog any nonsense that comes to your mind but please do blog
signing off
We Want A Re Match
SANCHIT is challenging you (12 class)for a re match in unreal in vacations.
And this time reasults will be little different.
graphics workshop
Can we have a workshop on graphics and animation in the holidays .You know a workshop teaching us the types of graphics, which to use where, basic animation,simple tasks in photoshop, flash, paint shop pro, adobe illustrator, macromedia director etc.I think it will be fun.Think about it.
signing off
my first ever blog
hey guyz this is my first ever blog and iam trying to see how this thing works.its nice being a part of this column.i'll be writing some nice long blogs from time to time but not today.this is just a trial run .till then thank ur stars.
DynamiX notes
Ramjas School R.K. Puram hosted the Inter-school Technology Meet, comprising of several schools like Ramjas Day Boarding, Mothers International School, St. Mary's School, Red Roses Public School and others.
The meeting was basically about creating an environment for students of the schools to inter-mix, and think freely on what are the things that
should be there in all schools in terms of Information Technology, such as basic Infrastructure, adopting latest developments such as Linux and open source software, and the ways in which outside expertise can be delivered to the students in the form of guest lectures and workshops.
At the end of the meeting, that was presided by Mrs. Meera Balachandran, Principal, Ramjas School R.K. Puram, all the points of the students were compiled together into a document that aspires to *speak the students' mind* and will be sent to the Principals of the participant schools.
It is hoped that more such meetings are held in the future, and that the students should get together to co-operatively develop the IT education among schools.
This was as much as is the formal, *official* press release type thing that I could cook up. Frankly, I felt that it was a bit too formal and *controlled*, like I think too short was the time to discuss ideas and make presentations. My table was really picking up and we were having a heated discussion on the *chicken-egg question* of whether interest in internet should be created first and then internet facilities, or whether internet facilities first, and then force them (promote strongly) to use it for sometime so that they get interested. It was cut short abruptly since we were asked to wind up and present our points in front of everyone. Giving just 15 minutes is not really enough. I had thought of the event as one where everyone is mixed together into tables and allowed to talk on specific topics (so far so good, that's exactly what was done today), and then mixed together completely.. all on one table where they all present their ideas, and no *stand before all and talk abt the points* thing that was done today. It should be like everyone speaks and nobody is really the representative stuff. And heated discussions (not arguments) should be encouraged and allowed to go on with many others joining in. Only then will we achieve much more than we did today.. not that I say that today was a failure. It was a real success, and I mean it. The controlled method always shows that it works, but we have to show that the free-for-all method is more productive, since it allows for more open-ness.
New Layout
I uploaded the new layout with the new photos.
google search is not indexing the site, so i will use some other agent and have it up soon.
check it out:
DynamiX Clan Meeting
Next club day, this Wednesday's zero period I believe, is our first meeting this year. Everyone is expected to attend it, since we will take a look at all the activities and projects that are going to be undertaken during the year, and also assigning certain immediate jobs to people. Hopefully we will also be able to fix-up the tiny noticeboard outside the Intel Lab, over the brown almirah, and on meeting day we will tell all about meeting-day notices' system though I had given a brief description to all on the funshop day. But many were not present.